My Baby Girl Part. 2

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A young Wendy sat at a dining table. She seemed to be about two at the time. She looked around the small home soaking in all of the details. The oak walls and the smell of pancakes and autumn breeze. The way the wind howled outside. Suddenly Wendy heard footsteps behind her and turned to see a woman with bright red hair wearing a green shirt, jeans, and a pink apron. She was carrying a plate stacked with Chocolate Chip Pancakes. This was Wendy's favorite breakfast. The weird thing about the woman was that her face was cloudy, almost blurred out. The woman sat the plate in front of her, with a kiss on the cheek. " Good Morning Wendy. Happy Birthday!" Wendy found herself responding, like she had been through this before. " Thank You! Good Morning mama! " The woman ruffled Wendy's white hair, and turned toward the long hallway entrance across the table. " James! Breakfast is ready! Hurry before it gets cold!" The woman yelled. Who is James? If this woman is her ' mama ' does that make this man her father? Wendy had so many questions. Before she could even ask any, a man with a metal arm walked out in a crimson t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His hair was long and a deep dark brown. But, just like the woman, his face was blurred out. The woman met the man at the door with a kiss on the cheek and walked over to the table and placed another plate full of pancakes next to Wendy. The man came up behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. " Happy Birthday baby girl." " Thank you daddy." So I was right Wendy thought. Wendy decided she was hungry so she started eating the pancakes. Her 'mother' sat on her left and her father on her right. Her muscles moved of their own accord and she reached her hand out to steal a piece of pancake from her 'father's' plate, who was dozing off at the table. She had a piece almost off when her father grabbed her wrist with his fleshy arm. He looked up at her with a smirk. " What are you doing you sneaky girl?" Her father asked. Wendy smiled a devilish yet innocent smile. " Nothing papa." Her father laughed a loud booming laugh. And her mother giggled softly beside her. After eating, her mother left the room and brought back a box. She walked back to her seat and slid the box to Wendy. After singing happy birthday, Wendy opened up the box to see a necklace set.

 After singing happy birthday, Wendy opened up the box to see a necklace set

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She felt her face widen with a smile. " О, мама, это прекрасно, спасибо большое!" ( Oh Mama it's beautiful thank you so much! )
Then her father picked up her piece of the necklace and put it around her neck. "Now you'll have us where ever you are. Whether we are together or not."

She smiled at her father's face and when she went to hug him he disappeared. Wendy was confused. She slowly felt her self start to float into the sky like a ghost. Like a sprit spectating Earth from up in heaven. The walls of the house slowly faded away and she needed up floating in the sky outside, like a helium filled balloon tied to a tree. Trying to float away but being held down by a weight 20 times heavier than herself. Wendy was now watching helplessly, as her small body was being dragged from her home. Her mother and father being pushed into separate vans all the while. " Wendy! Stop you're hurting her! WENDY!" Her mother screamed. Her father fought the grips of the men dressed in black. He got free and started running toward her, but then he was struck down with an electric rod of some kind. She watched as his body twitched and squirmed. She heard her mother's deafening screams and cries. Wendy looked back at her younger self. She was fighting a good fight and even got free for long enough to use her powers and freeze a couple of guards. But it wasn't enough and eventually she was recaptured and was thrown into the back of a van. The same thing happened with her parents. Wendy watched from the clouds as all three vans went into different directions.

Wendy shot up in her bed, her hair stuck to her head in a matted ball of sweat. " what the heck just happened?'

A/N: Part 3 coming soon! Thanks to 5things1987 for the inspiration and picture

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