Love at First Sight Pt3

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A/N: Thank you all of all of your requests!!! Keep them coming! 😄

It's been a month since Marie Alicia transferred to Midtown High and met Peter Parker, the boy that she seriously believes God made just for her. He was absolutely perfect in her eyes. He was cute, innocent, funny and amazingly brilliant. Hell, he was so smart, she actually believed that he had an internship at Stark Industries. " Yeah, It makes sense Peter, You're the smartest guy I know so I'm not surprised." She said when he told her. Even though he was the guy of her dreams, he was also very shy. Too shy to ask Marie on a date. Though most thought that the two were dating already based on the way they acted. They held hands, hugged each other, and went everywhere together .( even though it's because their schedules were the same. ) Now, It was second period and Marie's favorite part of the day, gym. Gym equals dance. Marie rushed to the locker room and got dressed. ( Image above ) She went back out to the gym and stood next to Peter in the semi circle. " Alright class, " The gym teacher said, calling the students to attention. " I have a very special announcement. This week you and a partner will create two of your own dance routines." The class cheered at that. Marie was ecstatic. " The first one will be presented at the end of class. The second one however, will be presented on stage at our annual parents day assembly. For the assembly, you will also have to create a solo routine. Any questions?" No one raised their hand. " Ok go get started." Marie turned to Peter and they ran over to the farthest corner of the gym. " Ok so I was thinking-" "MARIE WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME?" Peter blurted out. This caught the girl completely off guard. But she recovered herself from shock and looked up at the boy. " I'd love to Peter!" Peter hugged her and spun her around. " Thank goodness! I thought you were going to say no." Marie giggled. " Why would I? You're perfect." This made Peter flush. And with that, they continued to work on their project.

***( Le Time Skip )**

" Alright class! Twenty minutes until class is over! Let's present." Marie and Peter ran over to the semi circle, eager to present. They were the last to go. Some of the previous routines were really good, others really bad. But Peter and Marie's would be the best routine of all. When their names were called, they stood in the center of the circle, cues their music and started to dance.
( Just ignore the freestyle at the end plz. U can watch if u like but Peter won't be doing that. But they do the freestyle at the beginning.)

Everyone clapped at the end. The two bowed and went back into the crowd. " Ok! The top scoring duet was Peter and Marie!" Everyone clapped some more. " Good job you too! Now everyone go get dressed." Peter Ran up behind Marie. " Meet me at the entrance after school." He whispered in her ear. She shuddered and gave him a wink and sauntered off to the locker room.
It was now the end of the day. Marie ran to the front gates and Peter awaiting there. She grabbed his hand and they left. However, Peter forgot something.

" Hey Mr Delmar!" The two said together. " Hey! It's Mr.Parker AND My little ballerina girl. What brings you two?" The old Italian asks. " Can I have a number 5 with extra pickles and smush it down real flat please? " The two teens looked at each other. Marie flushed and giggled and Peter scratched the back of his neck. " You guys want gummy bears and a Hershey bar don't you?" Delmar asked, ready to add the two sweets to their bill. " Yes please." Peter said, looking at Marie for confirmation. She gave a nod. Peter payed for their sandwiches and Marie grabbed the candy, and headed to Central Park for a picnic. After a while they found a nice, secluded space at a checkerboard table. They ate their sandwiches and talked about life. School, dance , science, and other subjects. Before they knew it, it was dark outside. " Shit!" Marie said when she checked her phone. " What?" Peter asked? Worried something happened to her. " Peter, It's nine o'clock!" " Oh my god!" They looked at each other. " MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!" They packed up their stuff and threw away their trash. " This was really fun Peter, we should do this again." Peter nodded his head, hugging Marie. " Yeah, Yeah definitely." She pulled away, against her better judgement. She stared at Peter, memorizing his face almost, and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. With a final wave, she started walking home, which was about a block away.  Peter pulled out his phone, and almost dropped it after seeing how many missed calls and texts he had from his family. His parents were freaking out. He took a deep breath and pressed 'call' on his dad's contact. "PETER! Holy shit kid are you ok?  Where are you we're worried sick!" " Hey Dad sorry I was out with a.... friend and lost track of time. Can happy come and pick me up please?" Tony huffed at other the end of the line, a clear sign that he was upset. Yeah kid, he'll be there in five." Peter smiled lightly, " Thanks dad." " Mhm, we are going to have a talk when you get back." Peter frowned but agreed none the less. He hung up the phone and two minutes later, Happy pulled up. Peter apologized to him about the situation and sat back and relaxed, thinking of the amazing time he had with Marie.
When Peter got home, he was in for it. He got a lecture from Steve and a bunch of " What the hells" and " Where have you been" he and his father sat down and Peter told Tony all about Marie. " I think I'm in love Dad."
When she got home, Marie found the house empty again, a note from her mom as the only evidence of someone being in the house  since this morning. Her younger brother was at a sleepover, her father staying in the Juliard Dorms, having to much work to leave on time. Her mother staying in the office for some extra work. Marie sighed, and though it wasn't one of her favorites, she was used to being left alone. The girl, having nothing better to do, jumped in the shower and thought about her date. Peter was definitely the one for her, but would he feel the same?

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