Peter Parker and the Unforgettable Field Trip Pt. 2

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Credit to R.Halliwell-Parker on slightly edited by me.

Peter woke up to the sound of May in the kitchen and the smell of pancakes in his nose. He slowly got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen."Morning May" he said sounding exhausted. "Morning Sweetie, how did you sleep?" she replied in a voice far too cheerful for this hour of the morning. "Alright, wish I could have another hour" "Life isn't always fair" May smiled. Peter ate his pancakes quietly as his Aunt rushed around getting ready for work "I've got to get going, enjoy the trip" May said and kissed Peter's forehead before leaving Peter alone.

The bus was waiting outside the school when Peter Parker arrived "On time for once Peter" Mr. Harrington joked while ticking his name off the list. Ned had saved a seat for Peter and the two spent the bus ride debating who was the best Star Wars droid until an obnoxious noise came from behind them "Parker!"


"Ignore him" Ned whispered to Peter. "Don't I always" Peter replied rolling his eyes. That's when the paper ball throwing began and there's only so many paper balls a man (or boy) can take. "What do you want Flash?" Peter snapped. "This is the last chance to admit your lying" he growled. Peter turned back around and continued his discussion with Ned.

The bus journey felt as though it only lasted 2 minutes. The building they arrived at seemed as though it kept going up forever. "We're here" announced as if the huge tower wasn't an indication of their arrival. The group left the bus like it was on fire and made their way towards the main lobby. "Hello my name's Kelly and I'll be your tour guide today, this is the front desk and that's the main receptionist Mandy. Everyone has to take a security badge, please don't lose them." The group grabbed the badges, attached them to the tops and waited for Kelly to start the tour. "This here is Happy Hogan head of security at Stark Industries, make sure he can see your badges" she said with a huge and most likely fake smile. Peter's heart stopped and he looked toward where Happy was standing, Happy saw Peter and looked directly into Peter's soul or it felt like that. Peter discreetly shook his head to try and tell Happy to leave him alone not that happy cared, Happy half-waved to the group and left leaving Peter breathing a sigh of relief.

The tour was amazing Peter didn't really know what went on in the tower and made a mental note to ask his dad about the inner workings of the tower tomorrow when he visited upstate. They passed by an official looking office that was filled with people sitting around a large table. "This is the Stark Industries board of directors as you can see there is a meeting on so be quiet." The room was filled with old men in suits with a few exceptions, Peter clearly saw the red hair of Pepper Potts. His eyes continued to skim the room until they fell on Tony Stark and Violet, 'wait what Tony's here, and Violet, oh crap' Peter thought while moving to the opposite side of Ned to hide. "Come along group there's a lot more to see" Kelly reminded.

They continued walking and Peter felt a slight buzz in his pocket. He glanced at the message

Tony: Wow your terrible at hide 'n' seek.

Peter: You saw that?

T: Some people might think you're ashamed of me

P: I'm sorry

T: I'll get my revenge mwahaha

"Peter pay attention to the tour" Mr. Harrington scolded. "Sorry sir" Peter replied sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"We will now make our way to the food court where you can have some food and we will then resume the tour." Kelly said cheerful as ever. Kelly turned the corner but came to a halt, she turned white as a sheet "Mr... Mr. Stark, Ms. Stark" she stuttered "Why hello there Kelly hope this group is learning loads"
Tony said with a smirk. Violet stood on the side of Tony with a smirk on her face staring directly at Peter "Of course Sir, just heading to lunch" she said the colour after returning to her face. Kelly began to lead the group away when Flash had to open his mouth "Mr. Stark, do you know Peter Parker?" Flash asked an evil grin on his face. "Who" replied The father and daughter with a menacing smile. Peter felt the colour leave his face, he understood they didn't mean any harm and thought of this as a joke that would annoy Peter but in reality it was much worse this would destroy the tiny bit of reputation he had left. Mr. Stark had gotten his revenge. Peter felt sick.

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