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We are going to pretend the twins are 14 in this one shot. Violet's Suit/ Weapons, play music as u read. Also INFINITY WAR SPOILERS ^^^^

Quill, Drax, Manis, Spiderman, Violet, Dr.Strange, and Iron Man stood on Titan, battered and bruised from the fight that had just taken place. Now, because of Quill and Strange, Thanos has gotten away and added the time stone to his collection of shiny, universe destroying, pebbles. " WHAT THE HELL QUILL?  WE HAD HIM!" Although he also was upset Peter laid a hand on his father's shoulder, giving him a soft head shake to tell him to calm down. But the older man shrugged off his son's shoulder and turned to Strange. " And you! What happened to sacrificing one of us to protect that stone huh? Than u just give it up? What, did we grow on you Doctor?" He said in a patronizing voice.  Then everyone started arguing. Trying to place the blame on one another. That's when Peter and Violet had enough. " SHUT UP!" Everyone stopped and turned their heads towards the two children. " This arguing is insane!" Peter shouted completely done with this entire situation. Violet was getting there. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her nose. A habit that she developed from her father. "Can we please just work this out so we can warn the others, get off this planet, and possibly have another chance to beat Thanos?" The others realized that the twins are right and got to work making a plan.

Mean While in Wakanda
Thor flew at Thanos with his ax, embedding it deep within his chest. The titan groaned in pain. They had done it. They had finally won. Or so they thought. Even though pain was written all over his face, Thanos still smiled and gave a dark chuckle. He leaned into Thor and whispered, " You Should Have Gone For The Head."
He raised his fist and with a single snap, half of the universe was gone. He closed his fist and disappeared into a cloud of blue and grey smoke. It looked like nothing had changed. The world wasn't on fire and nothing had exploded right? So that must have meant that they stopped it. Until Bucky. He felt tingles in his body, sort of like he was floating, he looked to his best friend for an explanation. " Steve?" Then he turned to ash. Then one by one, so did the Wakandan Warriors. Next was Groot. After calling out for his father Rocket, he too turned to dust.
****Back on Titan*****
While coming up with a plan, Mantis felt funny, like she could sense a shift in the world. " Something's happening" She whispered, yet she was heard and looked at by the rest of the team. Before she could be questioned though, she, like those in Wakanda, turned to dust. Next was Drax, then Quill. Then, there was Strange. " It was the only way." He whispered then turned, just like the others. Peter and Violet were the ones that hurt him the most. Peter went first, "Dad, I don't feel so good. I don't- I-I Don't know what's wrong." He stumbled into his fathers arms, using all of his strength to stay alive, to stay Whole. Tony laid him on the ground, trying to reassure him that he'd be okay, that everything would be okay, but that wasn't the case. With a last " I'm sorry." He drifted off amongst the air just like the others. He turned to his daughter, his last hope, hoping that she wouldn't leave him too. But it was inevitable. She was stronger than her brother. She put all of her energy together. Trying to fight it but she couldn't. She dropped to her knees, clutching her head in pain and agony. Her body felt like it was burning from the inside out. Tony rushed to her side. Picking her up and cradling her like she was a newborn baby. " Dad, I'm scared. " It pained Tony to say this but if she didn't let go, she would kill herself. So he said the most heartbreaking thing. " Let go Violet, You have to let go." Violet's protest was interrupted by another scream. " It's ok baby girl, let go, it's gonna be ok." Violet felt herself disintegrating, her eyes fluttered shut. " I'm sorry I failed you daddy." With that, she was gone. 

****2 Weeks later*****
After working to fix the ship that brought them to Titan, Tony and Nebula flew to Wakanda to meet what was left of the team. They landed, and greeted the rest of the team. The air was tense, and after stubborn hellos and handshakes, The Avengers got to work, trying to save their loved ones and the world.
*****1 Year Later*****
They had finally done it. After one year of argument, emotion, and battle, the Avengers had done it. Thanos was dead, Vision was revived, and they had found away to get their loved ones back. Bucky appeared first, standing next to Steve. Then the warriors, then Groot appeared and stood next to Rocket. One by one, everyone came back, except the twins. Tony and Pepper stood there waiting for their children,  until the sun went down. When they lost hope, they turned and started walking back towards the tower.

Peter and Alice materialized where their parents had stood moments before. The streets were deserted, except for two people walking in the opposite direction. Thanks to enhanced senses, the twins saw their parents right away and ran towards them. " Mom, Dad!" They called until they were in their arms, hugging them like they were going to disappear. And at last, the world was right again.

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