t h i r t y t h r e e

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Emerson's POV:

from: Justin💕
I'll meet you at the doctors, I love you❤️

I smiled and locked my phone before beginning to drive. This morning, I have my thirty four week appointment and stress test. From now until Mila's birth; I will have an appointment every week, which I'm not excited about. Marlowe went with Mackenzie to a deaf and hard of hearing summer camp. I hummed to the radio as I pulled into the doctor's office parking lot.

"She's so cute." I cooed and looked at the computer as the ultrasound tech showed her profile. "And here's her face; you can see she has a lot of hair." She said. I smiled. "She looks just like Marlowe." Justin smiled. I nodded, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I felt Justin grab my hand and squeeze it gently.

Justin and I drove by the deaf camp after our appointment. Mila did great on her stress test and the next appointment I'd when I'm 36 weeks pregnant. "Babe, we're so close. Can you believe she'll be here soon?" I looked at Justin. He smiled and shook his head. "It's so crazy. I'm really excited." He smiled. He pulled into the parking lot of the camp. Justin and I both got out before walking inside.

"I'm so happy you had fun today." I smiled as I gave Marlowe a bath. When we got home, she told Justin and I all about her day; they played outside, did arts and crafts, and sang songs. When the camp ends, they're going to have a big showcase with all of the campers performing. It's going to be so cute. When Marlowe was finished in her bath, I wrapped a towel around her and took her to her room. "Do you want to see sissy?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed the ultrasound picture and showed her. She gasped and smiled widely. She signed cute and I smiled.

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