t h i r t y e i g h t (p2)

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Emerson's POV:

"Whenever you're ready to start pushing, go ahead." The doctor said. I held Justin's hand tightly as I began to push. I counted to ten in my head and let go of my held breath when I finished. "Good!" He said as I pushed again. I breathed out shakily and felt Justin press kisses on my forehead. "You're doing really good Emerson." Justin whispered in my ear.

"The baby's really close only a few more pushes." I heard the doctor say. Justin sat up a little and I saw his eyes widen. "Do you see her?" I smiled. "Y-Yeah." He smiled back. He gently kissed my lips before I started pushing again. A few minutes later, I heard the cries of our new baby girl. I instantly started crying as they placed her on my chest.

"She's beautiful." Justin whispered as she began to quiet down. I gently kissed the top of her head and let her rest. "I can't believe you're here Mila." I cooed softly. She grunted in her sleep, making Justin and I both smile.

Justin's POV:

I walked towards the labor and delivery waiting room and smiled when I saw Em's mom Olivia, dad James, her three sisters, my parents, and Marlowe. I smiled when Marlowe ran over to me and I picked her up. I kissed her cheek. "Is She here?" Olivia asked. I nodded. "And she's beautiful. She looks so much like Em it's crazy." I smiled. They smiled too before following me to the room.

Marlowe gasped and signed baby repeatedly when she saw the little bassinet. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked. She nodded excitedly and got into the rocking chair next to Em's bed. I carefully picked Mila up and sat her down in Marlowe's arms. She smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. I looked over at Em and smiled. She smiled back.

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