t h i r t y f i v e

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Justin's POV:

I watched Emerson as she hugged Marlowe. "Have fun with Justin, ok?" She asked and Marlowe nodded. "Ready princess?" I asked and she smiled. She grabbed my hand and I gave Emerson a quick kiss before leaving. Marlowe and I walked to my car and I opened the door for her. She climbed in and got into her car seat and I helped buckle her in. I got into the car and turned it on. "Where do you want to go?" I asked her. She smiled and shrugged. "Well that doesn't help monkey." I joked and tickled her. She laughed and I chuckled before driving off.

I heard Marlowe gasped when I parked at where we were going. I smiled and turned to face her. "Are you excited?" I asked. She nodded excitedly and tried to take off her seatbelt. I chuckled and turned the car off. "I'll help you babe." I said and got out. I opened her door and helped her out. She held my hand as we went inside. I paid for wristbands for the both of us and a game card for Marlowe. "What do you want to do first?" I asked her. She looked around before pointing at the large playground. I nodded as we walked over there.

After playing games, bowling, rock climbing, and winning a big unicorn, Marlowe and I had a pizza at the indoor play building. "Did you have fun today?" I asked her. She nodded. "Lots of fun!" She smiled widely. I smiled too as she leaned into me. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.

Emerson's POV:

I looked up at the door as Justin carried Marlowe inside. A large stuffed unicorn was in her hand. "Did you two have fun?" I smiled. He nodded and went to take her to her room. I waited for him to come back and smiled when he sat on the couch beside me. "We has a lot of fun today." He grinned. I kissed his cheek. "Good." I wrapped my arms around him and I felt him gently kiss my stomach.

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