Chapter Three

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I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy. I want, I want, I want, and that's not me.

~I Want


“Guys you really don't have to do this...” I said as we walked down Michigan Avenue. I hated it when people spent money on me.

“Well we aren't going to let you wear just one outfit the whole tour,” Zayn said.

“Aaaaaaaand we needed an excuse to get out of the hotel,” Harry said, putting an arm around me, “So shopping it is!”

“Honestly, I'll be fine with just some tshirts and shorts,” I said as he steered me towards H&M.

“And look like a bum all the time? Bad for our image,” He said, winking at me. I glared at him, and threw his arm off me as he chuckled at my expression.

“Thanks, guys. And I promise whenever I get home I'll pay you back for the clothes,” I said sincerely.

This made all of them laugh. “What??” I asked, looking at them.

“Cambri, we're kind of famous, if you hadn't noticed.” Liam said.

“So?” I asked.

“Well its really not going to put a big dent in anything if we buy you some clothes,” he said.

“I know, but I-”

“We're getting you some more stuff to wear and you can deal with that however you'd like to,” Louis said, cutting me off as we walked in the doors.

“Pick out what you like!” Liam said, obviously releasing me into the store. I walked around, picking out things I liked that were cheap; a few v-neck short sleeve T-shirts, and pair of ten-dollar jeans in my size. I eventually found Liam again, and handed him the clothes.

“Alright, that's it,” I said, wanting nothing more than to leave. Don't get me wrong, there were cute clothes everywhere, but if someone else was buying clothes for me I would pick the cheapest things around that I would still wear.

“You do realize you have to model them for us before we buy them,” Louis said, looking down at the pile of clothes.

“Uh, no. Not happening, sorry,” I said, laughing audibly.

“Either you model them or we pick out clothes for you ourselves,” Harry said, shrugging his shoulders.

I just glared at them, going from one boy to the next and back again. Obviously I was not going to be winning this argument.

“Fine,” I said, grabbing the clothes and walking towards the nearest dressing room. I stripped off the outfit I had on, putting on a blue v-neck and the jeans I grabbed. They fit surprisingly well for my having just grabbed them and gone. I opened the door and walked out, not even being seen because a cloud of girls had descended on the boys, asking for autographs and pictures.

“Hmm...” Louis said, looking at me through the girls.“It needs something.” Most of the girls turned to look at me, giving me death stares as if to say 'What makes you so special?'

“I think it's fine, honestly.” I said, not wanting them to get any more than what I had picked out.

“Is that all you're going to let us buy, honestly?” Liam asked.

“Yep,” I said, popping the P.

He frowned slightly to the boys. Never in my life had I had guys pretty much tell me to go pick out expensive clothes that they wanted to buy.

Suddenly, Harry's face brightened as he turned to the girls surrounding them.

“Ladies, I have a deal for you,” He said. What the heck is he going to do?

“Our friend Cam here, as you can see, likes to look like a bum. So, each one of you who brings back a complete outfit for her, accessories and all, will get a kiss on the cheek from me,” At this the girls' eyes all widened, and they ran off in separate ways to get clothes for me. Harry just smiled at me in an innocent way, flashing his deep dimples as I stuck my tongue out at him childishly.

All of the girls came back with their outfits, and Harry kissed each one of them as I tried on the clothes they had brought. They didn't look like... me. So much to the boy's disapproval, I left with my v-necks and jeans. But because of this, they still dragged me into Forever XXI, where I got a few more things of my choice. But they all also insisted on getting me outfits themselves, which honestly weren't bad looking, yet I still didn't dare look at how expensive they were. When we got back to the hotel, they all started getting their stuff together to leave for their next concert in the capitol of Illinois, Springfield, tomorrow.

I wanted to put some more comfortable clothes on, but I realized that they hadn't let me buy any sweat pants or shorts that would be good for sleeping.

“Uhh... Guys?” I said, “I don't have any pants to sleep in.”

“Do what I do,” Harry replied as he smiled cheekily at me, “Go commando!”

“I'll keep that in mind,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“I have some sport shorts,” Liam said, holding them up.

“Yeah, that works, thanks!” I said, and he tossed them to me.

“Well now you can officially say that you've gotten into Liam Payne's pants!” Niall said, making me laugh.

Would it be bad if I said I never wanted to get my memory back?


AHH! I promise I really did try to make this one longer!!! I'm just one for writing short chapters I guess :/ so I'll post another too to make up for it!

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