Chapter Eight

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"If it were legal, I'd marry food."

~Niall Horan


The next day, the boys somehow convinced someone to let them go to the state fair again, this time to ride rides and eat food. I picked out their outfits that day so that they'd fit in with the American boys walking around. I made them all wear their athletic shorts and tee shirts, with socks and sandals. Harry got a hat to hid his curls as well, much to his dismay. We got dropped off at the front gate, paid seven dollars each to get in (Liam payed for me since I had no money), and walked in. 

We were greeted by a huge statue of Abraham Lincoln. 

"I like your beard, sir," Louis said, looking up at the statue. "Maybe I should grow a beard..."

I shook my head as Zayn led him away. "No, just... no," he said.

We started walking down what looked like the main street of the fair. The screams coming from people on the rides weren't lost even over all the noise of people talking and the music playing. As we walked, I tried to stay as far away from Harry as I could. I had avoided him last night after the concert, and would attempt to do the same today. I couldn't let anything happen. I couldn't let myself fall for him.

Food carts were visible on every side of us. Niall must be in heaven right now...

"OH. MY. GOSH." He said, stopping in his tracks to stare at one of the stands, "They have fried BUTTER." He looked back at us like a six year old on Christmas morning, then ran towards the cart to get in line.

"That sounds gross." I said to Liam, making a face. 

"Right?" Zayn agreed, mimicking my expression of disgust.

"No way!! Fried Oreos!!!" Louis said, running after Niall.

I just rolled my eyes. Boys...

After about five minutes Niall came back, something deep fried and disgusting in a container in his hand.

"Deep fried Milky Way," He said, smiling and nodding his head at me. Louis came back with his Oreo and they dug in while the rest of us watched.

"That's disgusting," Harry said, looking down at them and shaking his head.

When they were finished, we all got wristbands and headed off to the rides. I made sure that Harry and I never rode together on the two person rides, and that I was as far away from him as possible on the ones where we could all ride together. Eventually, after riding all of the crazy scary rides, I convinced them to ride the Ferris wheel. 

"You want to ride with me?" Harry asked me. Hell yes I do!! A voice in the back of my head screamed.

"Uhh.... sorry but I already promised.... Liam!" I called to him, pulling him over to me. "Uh.. yeah, I promised Liam I'd ride with him already, sorry." He gave me a questioning look, but I elbowed him in the ribs as a sign to just go with it.

"Er... yeah, sorry mate," Liam said to Harry.

"Right then..." Harry said, turning away.

"Next," The guy working the ferris wheel said. He buckled Liam and I into the seat.

"Keep your arms and legs inside the car, don't swing the seat, and have fun," He said in a bored monotonous voice as we started to ascend.

After multiple stops so people could get loaded onto the ride, we started to move at a constant pace. We were almost to the top for the fourth or fifth time when Liam spoke. "So do you want to tell me why you're avoiding Harry?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

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