Chapter Thirteen

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The worst thing a boy could do to a girl? Personally, I think its to ignore her while she's loving you with all her heart.

~Liam Payne


After my little heart to heart with Liam I went back to bed and lay down. Could I make it work with Harry? Would he even want to go on a date with me again? Liam did say he had a crush on me... With these thoughts running through my head I fell asleep.

Suddenly I was awake again, the bus was bright with light. Morning already? I groaned, sitting up and stretching out. I stepped off of my bunk, running a hand through my hair, walking towards the couch. Niall was already sitting there with Zayn, watching some cartoon show on the TV.

"Mornin' Cam," Niall said, looking up.

"Morning Ni, morning Z," I replied using my nicknames for them, "No one else is up yet?"

"Harreh is I think," Zayn said looking around, "Dunno where he went though."

I nodded, sitting down next to Niall. "Watcha watchin?"

"Family guy," Niall said, still staring at the screen and chuckling. I never really understood why people liked this show, I always thought it was dumb. 

"Lois. Lois. Lois. Lois. Mum. Mum. Mum. Mum..." The baby with an English accent said as Niall and Zayn started laughing.

"You guys are weird," I said, chuckling and shaking my head. I stood up and started for the bathroom to put some of my clothes on.

"Says the girl wearing Liam's pants..." Zayn said, meaning to be quiet, but I heard him. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. 

"At least I dont look like a raccoon," I quipped back, watching as his smile faded to shoot daggers at me. Niall chuckled as Zayn trying to keep the smirk off of his face. 

"I'll get you back for that one!" He called, as I had already turned and was already near my bunk getting my stuff.

"Yeah, okay Malik!" I called back sarcastically. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a long flowy top that would be comfortable for sitting around all day. I reached for the handle of the bathroom when it turned and pushed open, revealing a disheveled looking Harry. 

"oh, erm... sorry," He said, awkwardly walking around me and to the boys without another word. I suddenly assumed the worst. He probably wants nothing to do with me. He doesn't like me like that. He probably thinks its all a mistake. A million thoughts ran through my head as I pulled on my outfit and brushed my teeth. No... I was overreacting. Harry wouldn't be like that, right? I mean we were friends before weren't we? That shouldn't change now just because we've kissed...

I walked out of the bathroom to find that Liam and Louis were up now, sitting on the couch with Zayn and Niall, while Harry was, yet again, no where to be found. 

"Morning Cam," Liam said.

"Morning Li, morning Lou," I said back, smiling.

"Sleep well?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I did..." I said, not really interested in small talk. "Where's Curly?"

Louis looked around... "Ermm... around here somewhere, why?"

"No reason," I lied casually. 

"Right..." I heard Liam chuckle under his breath. I gave him a dirty look.

"So what we up to today, lads?" I asked, using my best English accent.

"Maybe work on that accent of yours for one," Niall said, laughing at my attempt. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Mature," Zayn commented, raising an eyebrow. 

"We could go walk around in the city if you wanna," Louis suggested. Everyone agreed that that sounded like a good idea and got ready to go. I grabbed the phone that Paul had convinced management to buy me and stuck it in my back pocket. Paul really liked me and was one of the few people besides the boys that didn't see me as a freeloading fake. I sat down on the couch waiting for the boys to finish up when Harry decided to show up. He looked at me, his expression unreadable as he sat down as far away from me as he possibly could.

"I uhm.... I think we're going to go walk around the city in a few minutes." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

He just nodded his head, pulling out his phone and texting someone. I cleared my throat and looked away. Did he really not want to talk to me? What did I do?

"You okay today?" I asked, trying again to start a conversation. 

"Fine," He mumbled, not looking up from his phone. I looked down at my lap. So he really doesn't want to talk to me. I don't need this; I don't need him, I told myself. Yet that little voice in the back of my head nagged "liar."

Finally the awkward was broken when Liam walked in. He immidiately noticed the tension that was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Right then," He said, putting on a fake smile, "We ready?" I nodded, standing up as Harry stayed where he was, still staring at his phone. I hung my head sadly, before smiling up at Liam as best I could. He just smiled sadly at me as we walked out the door and into a van. 

We walked around downtown Indianapolis all day, shopping and talking. Harry did his best to avoid me all day. I should have never agreed to go out with him. I should have never kissed him. We were friends and now I've screwed everything up. I wanted nothing more than to just leave, but Liam next to me kept me where I was, cracking jokes at me occasionally and trying to make me feel better.

But I knew deep down that all I wanted was to at least be friends with Harry again, and I was determined to make that happen.


Aaaaaaaaaand I'm back!! :) I really hope you'll stick with this story, It's just getting to the good parts ;)

Haven't really been happy with my chapters lately, but I hope you like this! I'm streaming the album off iTunes because We don't get it until Tuesday... ugh theres some times I just wish I lived in the UK. Like when they're there. And when you get albums sooner than in the US. But I've been having some serious Harry feels lately and when we learn that we can't have children as a result of my exploded ovaries, I'll simply tell him its his fault for being so sexy. (<<< I regret nothing.)

Sooooo hopefully I'll get a double upload in tonight because of the wait!!

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