Chapter One

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We're like Na, Na, Na, then we're like Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

A/N: (Going along with the whole memory loss thing? Cant remember who you are? Yeah? Okay nvm..)

The first thing I registered when I woke up was a throbbing headache. One of those headaches where a new throb comes with each beat of your heart. I moaned, raising my hands to my temples in an effort to soothe my headache. I figured I had just started my period early; I always had bad headaches when it started.

The second thing I registered was voices.

"Guys she's moving!"

"Well it's good to know she's alive."

"I was actually worried she might die."

"It wasn't that bad."

"Shut it, she probably won't even know whats going on at the moment."

"What if she doesn't even remember who she is?"

"I said shut it!"

They were guys. All guys. Talking in European accents. This had to be the weirdest prank my guy friends had pulled so far. Waking me up by talking in English accents? I had to admit, they were pretty convincing. Props to them for that. I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see a group of guys from my school. What did I see instead? Zayn Malik. And Louis Tomlinson. And Niall Horan and Liam Payne and Harry Styles. All staring down at me.

"You alright there?" Louis asked.

"Uh... I think so," I said, sitting up. This was way weird. I looked down to see that the bed that I was laying on wasn't mine. The room was foreign, filled with old pizza boxes and other random items.

"What's your name?" One of them asked.

"Uh... Cambri. Cambri.... " Why couldn't I remember what my last name was? Thompson... Taylor... Telger...

"Where am I? What's going on?" I asked, starting to get confused and worried.

"You're actually in our hotel room right now in Chicago," Liam said. "You were at one of our concerts and..." He looked around at the boys, obviously not knowing what to say.

"Had an accident," Niall finished for him.

"What kind of accident?" I asked.

"We aren't sure. When we found you though you had taken quite a bit to the head. We brought you back here and you've just been laying here since," Zayn said.

I had an accident? At a One Direction concert? How long have I been here? Does my Mom know I'm here? Oh crap, I'm in trouble.

"When was the concert?" I asked.

"Last night. We got a doctor in here but he said that there was nothing major going on, you'd just be out for a while," Louis said, shrugging his arms like it was nothing.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "No, I never went to a One Direction concert. Last night I went to my friend's birthday party, got home, took a shower, and went to bed."

The boys all looked at each other with weird looks. "When was the party?" Zayn asked me.

"Last night!" I said, didn't he hear me?

"I think he means what was the date of the party," Liam said.

"Uh... the 17th. June 17th." The looks on their faces went from confused to worried.

"Well we may need to get that doctor in here again, Cambri," Harry said, "It's July 22nd."

No. It couldn't be. Yesterday I went to my best friend's house for a party. Today is June 18th. My name is Cambri... Trevor? I'm from.... where am I from? Somewhere with a lot of corn... Gosh dangit! Why couldn't I remember?

"You're probably hungry," Liam said, "Do you like popcorn?"

I shook my head yes, and he left to get me food. I started feeling around for my phone in an outfit I was wearing that I didn't recognize. Not in my jeans... not in my bra... where was it?

"Does anyone have my phone? I should probably call my Mom..." I asked.

 Niall said, "You didn't have a phone with you when we found you,"

No phone? That didn't sound right. I always have my phone.

"No ID, no phone, no nothing," Louis said. "We would have taken you home but we had no idea who you were."

"But now that you're awake, you can tell us," Harry said, trying to be cheery for my benefit.

"Right," I said, still trying to figure out how I could just lose six weeks of my life! I was starting to get frustrated to my breaking point. "Can I borrow someone's phone to call home then?"

"Course you can," someone said. Zayn handed me his phone, and I started to dial. 341- no... wait that wasn't it.... 622-7 no that's not it either. 698-54 I deleted the numbers, groaning in frustration as I realized that I didn't remember any phone numbers other than 9-1-1 and 877-CASH-NOW. I used them in a time that I remembered. How could I just lose all of the phone numbers I had memorized?

"I... I don't remember," I said, almost in tears, giving Zayn his phone back.

"Okay, that's alright," He said, trying to comfort me, "Let's just start with a easy one, right? What's your name?"

"Cambri," I answered. "Cambri... Cambri... Gosh darn it!" I said, starting to cry. Put yourself together Cambri! They probably think you're an emotional mess. I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just... I can't remember. My name is Cambri. I live somewhere with a lot of corn in the middle of the United States. I'm sixteen. And the last thing I remember was going to my best friend's birthday party," I hung my head in shame in frustration, closing my eyes. They probably think I'm some sort of freak. Who just forgets that big of a chunk of their life?

 Soon I felt arms around me. I looked up to see Harry sitting next to me, giving me a hug. He looked me in the eyes and said, "It's okay, we'll help you figure it out, right?"

And I couldn't help but feel like everything was going to be okay, and surely I would get my memory back.

But how long would I last with these five around?


So, yeah this is my first attempt at this after pretty much changing the whole storyline, so tell me what you think please?

Heels Over Head- A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now