chapter 7

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The following few days after the duel were sombre affairs for the school.

They had all witnessed two people try to kill each other and the winner was now walking among them. A killer walked among them.

Harry hated the stares, the murmurings...... it was exactly like his previous time in Hogwarts.

Filius had recommended that they release the information regarding the status of Tracey Davis, Pansy Parkinson and Gemma Farley. It would eventually become common knowledge that their fathers were in Azkaban and that they were without a family. Revealing the concubine contracts would prevent anyone from trying to claim them and forcing another duel.

Trying to claim a person who was already claimed was theft. Harry could simply report this and have them charged by the DMLE.

Harry had stood up in front of the Great Hall at breakfast the day after the duel with the three girls at his side. He had been very firm that anyone who treated them as less than a fellow student would be booted from his home.

Much to Dumbledore's annoyance, Minerva had stood behind the girls nodding in approval to Harry's word. He had a feeling that he might lose a few more students.

It was nearly February before anything of note occurred. Harry continued with his stargazing and his plans to explore space.

The lightning charm he had used in his duel was a result of researching ways of duplicating electricity. Apparently, the creator of the spell was also very intrigued by this naturally occurring energy. Ben Franklin, after many close calls with natural lightning strikes, had decided to develop a spell to achieve the same effect.

Harry often occupied an armchair in the Slytherin Common Room. It was one he conjured himself, much to the amazement of his housemates. At first he had only done it so he could keep an eye on the students and stop any bullying, but his clear advancement over his peers had made him something of a tutor.

This was something that really pissed Draco off. Especially as two certain Slytherins were now advancing beyond him.

"Excellent work Greg." Harry nodded approvingly to the larger boy who was grinning proudly. "Now, go break it and repair it five more times so you know you've got it down pat." He said as he handed the boy his stuffed hippogriff.

Gregory Goyle looked a little crestfallen at that. This was one of his cherished childhood toys.

"Greg," Harry said softly. "If you can manage to repair Mister Griffy every time then it won't matter when someone tries to hurt him. You can always make him better."

That seemed to steel his resolve.

Harry wrinkled his nose thoughtfully.

"Vinny, have you got that severing charm down yet?" He called over to Greg's constant companion.

Vincent Crabbe simply held up a half torn First Year Book of Spells sadly.

"Right. Greg, go repair Vinny's book. He breaks it, you repair it. We'll let Mister Griffy have a rest for now."

Greg just nodded in relief as he headed off to help his friend.

"You think you're so smart, don't you Potter?"

Harry just sighed at the annoying voice that came from his side. He looked up to see Malfoy standing there, sneering as usual. "Have you mastered the charms, Draco?" Harry challenged lightly.

"I could perform those long before I came to Hogwarts." He boasted.

Whilst Harry had no doubt that his family flaunted the law and let him play with a wand, he doubted that Draco could do more than swing the stick.

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