chapter 18

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After the evening meal, Fleur and Viktor met at the entrance to the Great Hall.

"I cannot see Lord Harry." The Bulgarian Seeker commented in French. He was much more comfortable using French than he was English. He only started to learn English when he entered the professional circuit.

"Perhaps one of the professors can help us." Fleur suggested.

"Excuse moi, erm...... vous est- erm-"

"Ve can speak some English." Viktor smiled at the bushy haired girl who had approached them.

"Thank goodness!" She laughed. "I spend some holidays in France but I am still learning. I'm Hermione Granger, are you looking for Harry?"

"Da, ve are looking for Lord Harry." Viktor said formerly.

Hermione just giggled. "Don't use titles around him. He gets annoyed. If he is with the Headmaster or government officials then you should use them...... he really likes to annoy those sorts of people." She said with an exasperated roll of her eyes.

"You are a, erm, first family witch?" Fleur asked with interest.

Hermione blushed. "What gave me away?"

Fleur just gave a small laugh. "You called eet a government. Not many magicals use zat term."

"Can you lead us to- Harry?" Viktor looked like he struggled to not use a title.

"Of course, follow me, he's probably in his lab."

Hermione led them to the third floor corridor. "Alright, now just be very still, don't be scared."

The two Champions thought that was quite amusing, but they held their tongues.

But then the door opened and they nearly bit their tongues.

Lying in a giant dog bed was an even bigger Cerberus. At the opening of the door one of the dog's three heads rose up lazily and began moving to Hermione.

Viktor made to move forward and pull Hermione back but Fleur held him in place, she was just as worried for the girl but she could also see that the girl was not afraid.

The giant head began sniffing Hermione...... "Ewww! Do you have to do that every time, Fluffy?" She grumbled as she pulled her wand and cleaned the dog slobber off. "These two are ok. They are friends of Harry. Go on, give them a sniff." She instructed.

Both older teens tensed as the other heads began to move and the Cerberus stood to reveal its full, terrifying height. It moved forward and the three heads began roaming over the three.

Eventually there was a sudden change in the heads as their tongues began to loll out the side of their mouths happily. Then two of the heads began nuzzling the teens.

"Alright, that's enough." Hermione sighed as she put her hands on the side of one the giant muzzles and pushed it away. Not that she could actually physically move it, but the canine liked to play along.

As Hermione walked past the three-headed mutt to the door it was guarding, Fleur and Viktor gingerly cleaned themselves of slobber.

As they walked through a corridor they could head a noise that grew louder.





"MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-gurk! Damn it Dud! I should never have made that thing for you."

The three students walked through a doorway into a very large chamber filled with all sorts of objects. Standing near a large cabinet was a drenched Harry Potter and his clearly unamused cousin, Dudley Dursley.

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