chapter 27

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"Harry, we're ready for...... erm, that meeting?"

Harry looked up to see a very nervous Tracey at the door to his study. "I've spent the better part of my life trying to stop the bad guys." He said as he put down the journal on the spectacles Albus had given him. "Now I have to be one."

"You aren't the bad guy, Harry." She said seriously. "You are the one being threatened and attacked. You didn't threaten them, you didn't force them to do anything...... that was all them."

"Still, it would be nice to be appreciated for something."

Tracey walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him gently on the lips. "You have four girls who very much appreciate everything you've done."

Harry gave her a soft smile and kissed her forehead. "I suppose I should take more time to enjoy the good things in my life instead of focusing on the issues."

"Absolutely. Now, where is your cape and crown?"

"Dobby has King Harry Potter Sir's things." The little elf said eagerly as he popped in.

"I won't be needing those, but thanks Dobby."

"Harry, you need to make an impression!" Tracey argued.

"Oh, I will." He assured her. "I will."

"Welcome to the first meeting of the High Council of Great Britain and her associated territories. Allow me to begin the introductions:

"We have Magorian, Chief of the Great Britain Centaurs.

"Ragnok, King of the Great Britain Goblins.

"Amelia Bones, Prime Minister of the magical humans of Great Britain.

"Dobby, Speaker of the Elves of Great Britain.

"Fergus, Head of the Leprechauns of Great Britain.

"David Burns, Prime Minister of the non-magical humans of Great Britain.

"And finally, me! High King Harry, ruler of all of Great Britain, its lands and denizens and its associated territories." Harry smiled at the group seated around the round table in Hogwart's Great Hall.

None of those seated wanted to be there.

Except Ragnok who was looking forward to the fireworks.

"Now then, just so everyone is clear: I ascended to the throne on Boxing Day of last year. I did so when I claimed the lost sword of King Arthur, Caledfwych.

"I hope we don't have to cover a lot in this meeting, or future ones for that matter. If we have a lot to cover then that means there are a lot of problems.

"Now then, Magorian, are there any problems for your people or things that they need?"

"You mean other than freedom from humans?" The large centaur sneered.


"Still waiting on those enemies you promised." The Goblin King tapped the table with a hooked finger.

"I've got a lead on them. We'll have to discuss tactics later though when we have more time.


"I have a list longer than this table, Your Majesty." She said irritably. "I can handle most of the items but the issues with the non-magical government are not within my remit."

"We'll get to that one in a moment then.


"Elveses are happy King Harry Potter Sir. We's is having lots of cleaning to dos." The little guy said nervously.

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