Chapter 8

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Whilst Albus was stuck trying to think of ways out-manoeuvring Flamel and his cadre without going against the contract, Perenelle was gloating over the fact that Albus was a literal fool as he hadn't taken into account that the contract did not include anyone but Harry.

Whilst it was true that anyone under Harry's authority was forbidden from acting against Dumbledore, people like Filius and Perenelle were not included as they had only taken vows to support him and care for him. They had not sworn themselves to the house of Potter or Slytherin.

Minerva had become quite irritable recently as Albus had requested that she swap offices with him. He refused to quit or relinquish his position as Headmaster but wanted her to take the office.

He had refused to say why.

Minerva had also refused as her office was close to her classroom and that made it easier for her students to find her.

Albus had tried to make it an order. He had backed off when a nearby suit of armour had stepped off its pedestal and stood threateningly behind the Deputy Head.

When Minerva had asked Harry if he had ordered the castle to do that he had denied it.

Minerva knew he had no reason to lie and was more likely to actually smirk mischievously if he had.

This had led to a discussion between Harry, Filius and Minerva about the locations of their offices and their House Common Rooms.

It was all very well for them to be available in their offices after class, but what if students needed them after curfew?

So that discussion led to another discussion.

"So, Sirius, Agatha, how would you like a job?" Harry asked the two adults seated in his quarters.

Agatha Farley was a lovely woman who should have been allowed to marry who she wanted. But she was born to a Pureblood family and traded like cattle to the bastard who called himself her husband. What Harry liked about her the most was that she loved her daughter and son unconditionally.

She was the only parent of the girls who had been worth saving, Harry had signed a contract for her as soon as he had signed the ones for the girls. She was fully aware that Harry would do nothing with it lest she ask.

"Job?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, I was talking to Aunt Minnie and Uncle Fil and I pointed out how they weren't available after curfew. Students can't reach them without getting in trouble.

"I thought the two of you might be a good start on recruiting some sort of House Carers. During the day you would be free to do what you want. But from curfew onwards you would be in the common room or in quarters attached to the common room so you could be reached by students.

"You wouldn't need to be awake all night, just willing to get up if a student needed you."

"Why would they need us at night?" Sirius couldn't figure that one out.

"Didn't you ever have nightmares when you were a first year?" Agatha asked with a shudder as she recalled her first months as a student. "There are other reasons why an adult should be available."

"If you say so." Sirius shrugged without malice. He couldn't think of them but wasn't going to question them. "But we would only be able to reach one common room." He pointed out. "The houses are all too far away to link them to a single room."

Harry frowned as he remembered the Vanishing Cabinet. He shook his head and decided to leave that one for now.

"I want you two to get together and think of other people who might be able to work with the other houses. A man and a woman for each house."

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