chapter 29

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You have been questioned by my people about your roles in my kidnapping and I am...... ambivalent about the fact that neither of you were involved."

Harry didn't look happy to see the Queen of England and her Prime Minister sitting at his round table with the other magical leaders and his friends.

The Queen looked insulted at his statement. "You kidnap us, subject us to involuntary questioning and then expect us to just accept it all without consequence?" She was incensed.


She wasn't actually expecting that as an answer.

"You already threatened me, remember? You're lucky I didn't deal with you back then. We could have been friends, colleagues. But your treatment of me means that I have no desire to even think about you." Harry sneered.

"Let's get down to business." Frank interjected before they could really start arguing. "The Unspeakables have been dealt with. The Dementors kissed the ones that Harry didn't kill during his escape.

"Dudley and Terrence are assembling a team to deal with the Department of Mysteries itself."

"I don't want them going in there yet." Harry ordered. "I'll speak to them both and explain my plans."

"Very well." Frank moved on. "The majority of the personnel at the American military base were killed, either by Harry, the Dementors or the Goblins." He nodded to a proud looking Ragnok.

"It was the first time some of my people experienced a true battle!" Ragnok said gleefully. "Their blood is singing for more!"

"Soon as I find it." Harry promised.

"You kept your word." Ragnok assured him. "We will remember and be patient."

"Dudley practically stripped the base bare." Frank continued. "He has taken to using the Room of Lost things to store it all."

"Have guards placed on the seventh floor. It is now off limits to anyone without my personal authorisation. Ragnok, would you be willing to supply a rotation of guards as well?" Harry asked.

"We have no bank to guard, so I see no issue." The goblin king shrugged.

"The American magicals have been cleared by Poppy." Frank reported. "They show signs of abuse and torture. She has requested mind healers take a look at them."

"Albus, can you work something out with some of your friends?" Harry asked the former headmaster.

"As soon as we are done here." Albus promised gravely. Despite his demotions, Harry often used him for his experience and contacts.

"Colonel O'Neill has graciously submitted to mind scans and veritiserum questioning. Due to the respect he has shown us we have respected his military oaths and not asked about anything more than his personal intentions and trustworthiness towards us.

"As a result, I have personally reiterated Harry's offer of a position amongst his personnel." Frank informed them as he nodded to the Colonel who looked slightly uncomfortable at a table of leaders and magical beings.

"Colonel, you have my personal thanks." Harry said formally. "You also have the thanks of my country. Without your aid we would be at war with your country."

O'Neill just nodded stiffly. Preventing war was just one of the reasons he had essentially defected.

"Is that everything, Uncle Frank?"

"Other than dealing with the fallout from your absence and the President's suggestion of a state visit."

"Colonel, what was your feeling about the Presidents mention of that?" Harry asked.

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