chapter 33

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When Harry woke up, Fleur and the girls whisked him off to Atlantis. Gemma assured him that Hermione, Lisa and the other rescued girls were well taken care of.

There was no sunbathing this time. Instead they were exploring the city. Harry was getting a bit annoyed though.

"She's literally got nothing to do! She's the one who pushed me into this whole deal. She's the reason we came to Atlantis." Harry said irritably as the group of six walked down a deserted corridor.

"Harry, Ganos wouldn't do this intentionally." Gemma tried to reassure him.

"I agree." Harry said firmly. "That is what worries me. She has no commitments on her time and no dislike for me. Which means something is preventing her from coming to me."

"Could she have been kidnapped again?" Tracey asked.

"It is possible." Harry nodded. "I will have to try and reach her myself."

"You've learnt how to ascend already?" Daphne was amazed.

"Nah...... well...... I suppose I could if I wanted to." Harry said thoughtfully. "What I really do is more like astral projection. Toyotama-hime has been teaching me."

"Can you teach us?" Pansy asked excitedly.

Harry smirked at her. "Planning on visiting certain long-nosed quadrupeds?"

She managed to scowl and blush at the same time.

The following day Harry was seated, cross-legged on the floor in one of the bedrooms at the muggle house in Glasgow and attempting to reach Ganos. The girls were also in the house but they were downstairs watching some movies.

"You can stop trying. You won't reach her."

Harry opened his eyes to see a white man in his fifties, dressed in white, standing in front of him. "And you would be......?"

"The one telling you that Ganos will not be returning." The man appeared emotionless.


"It is not your concern."

"Ganos is my friend. It damn well is." Harry responded, emulating the man's calmness.

"If you continue to try and reach her we will take more permanent steps."

"Nothing you say will stop me. Only Ganos herself can tell me to stop."

"Very well."

The man raised his hand but Harry simply turned and walked out the door, locking it behind him. The man actually showed a bit of surprise when nothing happened. He tried to leave but found he was trapped. He couldn't leave the mortal plane.


Harry ignored the disappointed groans of the girls as he turned off the TV. He pulled up the ottoman and sat on it to face them. They were instantly alert and attentive as they recognised Harry was serious and something had happened.

"Caught myself an Alteran." He informed them without expression. "Threatened to do something 'permanent' if I didn't stop trying to reach Ganos."

"How dare they!" Pansy was on her feet for half a second before she was pulled back down by Fleur.

"What is your next move?" Fleur asked.

"My new prisoner is going to stay where he is for now. I, on the other hand, need to go wake Merlin up."

Needless to say, a statement like that meant the girls followed.

"We're going to need hours in the bath after this." Gemma groaned as she followed David out of Harry's ship. "Sand gets everywhere."

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