Chapter 14

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Neville Longbottom was thrilled to be back at Hogwarts after the summer. He loved his Gran but she was just so stifling and always seemed disappointed with him.

Returning to Hogwarts always made him a little sad as well. He got to hear what his fellow students and friends had been up to. Potter and the Patils had travelled to India in his first year. Pavarti had spent days in the second year telling stories of showing the English contingent around their homeland. Pansy and the elephants, Harry and his Phoenix, Nicholas getting pranked six ways from Sunday by an irritated Harry.

Now he was hearing tales of Africa. What was worse was that even his own friends had gone. Hermione had sent him regular letters and as much as he appreciated that she remembered him, it still upset him that he was stuck at Longbottom Manor because his Gran didn't trust him not to get hurt.


The aforementioned boy turned to see Lord Harry James Potter of Slytherin jogging up to him as he approached the Gryffindor Tower.

Potter was a bit of an enigma for Gryffindor. Sure, he was the Boy-Who-Lived, defeater of Voldemort...... twice...... once right in front of them. But he was also a Slytherin...... he was also The Slytherin.

The confusion didn't end there. He had defended a young witch from being claimed as little more than a slave...... but he had killed to do it.

He now had three concubines. But he didn't treat them any differently than he treated them before.

It boiled down to this: The Gryffs were grateful for all he had done, but they were waiting for the other shoe to drop. Neville had a bit more exposure due to Hermione's friendship with him.

"My Lord." Neville gave a formal bow.

Harry skidded to a stop. "Huh? Did I do something to annoy you, Nev?" Harry asked curiously.

"I- erm-" That one stumped the Gryffindor. He had thought he was being polite. Neutral, but polite.

Harry seemed to just shrug and grabbed Neville's elbow. "Come on, I've got a surprise!" Harry saw the look of trepidation. "Relax! You'll love it!" Harry grinned.

Neville was dragged by Harry through the halls of the castle. They passed several students who, rather than aid the scared Gryff, chuckled at the antics of the young Lord Slytherin.

"Are you ready for the best news of your, to date, very short life?" That grin was still plastered there.

Harry didn't wait for a response as he opened the large wooden door in front of them and dragged him in.

"Aunt Alice, Uncle Frank, I brought you your present as promised!" Harry called out.

"Wait...... what?" Neville asked as he took in the view.

Sitting on a two seater sofa in a bright and airy lounge were his parents.

They had a large book on their laps and they were staring dully at it. At the entrance of the two boys Alice looked up but Frank was still catatonic. Alice had a small smile of curiosity.

"Harry...... what is going on?" Neville asked tightly. As much as he wished his parents were well, he could easily see nothing had changed.

Except their clothing and location.

"Well, as you know, I am an orphan." Harry knew he was about to lay it on thick, but considering Neville's expression went from pissed to shame in a split second...... he was just going to keep dolloping. "I lived in a cupboard without anyone to love me and take care of me."

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