chapter 20

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Toyotama returned home to Japan the same day despite enjoying her time with Harry and his friends. Yoshiko requested rooms close to Severus.

Harry had simply thrown the Sorting Hat at Severus and ordered him to sort it out before running from the room. He didn't want to know about the man's love life.

"It's Mermish and it will probably be under the Black Lake." Harry said calmly as he wiggled his finger in his ears to stop the ringing.

They were in the classroom that had been appropriated for the Champions with most of the students who were helping them. A lot of them were also rubbing their heads as Viktor closed his golden egg with a grimace.


Harry rolled his eyes. Apparently Tracey was sitting too close to the egg.

After a few minutes they could all hear well enough and Harry had conjured a large tub of water and had dropped his egg into it and opened it.

Harry chuckled at the sight of ten people kneeling over a massive tub with their heads in it whilst others waited their turn. He thought about modifying the tub so they didn't have to stick their heads in...... but he was enjoying the amusing sight.

"It's the same?" Harry looked to his right where Daphne had knelt down next to his chair to whisper.

Harry just nodded.

Daphne did not look happy as she went to sit with Gemma, Tracey and Pansy.

"You have to rescue something within an hour from the merpeople in the lake?" Hermione asked as she cast a drying charm on her soaked head and cardigan.

"Knowing the Ministry's need for drama, I imagine it will be a person, someone close to us." He indicated the other Champions.

"My family. They are safe in Bulgaria." Viktor said with a hint of relief.

"Gabby!" Fleur cried as she rushed from her seat and pulled the eight-year-old into her arms protectively.

"Fleur! I am fine!" The little girl complained. "The task is after Noel."

"They will not 'ave 'er." Fleur glared at Harry. "You will make sure of this."


"Oui! You control this castle. You can keep Gabrielle away from them." She said adamantly. Harry really didn't like that look, it spoke of retribution...... on him.

"I'll speak to Albus and Penny." He agreed reluctantly. "But at the end of the day, it might end up being safer for her to spend the month of February back in France, up until the day of the task."

"Non!" Gabby cried. "I want to stay!"

Fleur grabbed her by the shoulders sternly. "Think of Maman, 'ow it would upset her if something 'appened to you."

"You are doing dangerous stuff." Gabby countered. "You stole from a dragon!"

At this point the pair devolved into an argument in rapid French.


Everybody winced at the loud whistle.

"You bastard."

Harry just grinned at his cousin. "Best thing you ever taught me."

"You bastard."

Harry chuckled. "I promised I will deal with it. If necessary I will have a suit of armour follow her around. Hopefully I will be able to convince the Heads to use something that won't cause non-champions (like parents) to suffer from whatever might be lost.

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