Chapter 11

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"Harry, this is totally reckless! You could very well die!"

"Phoenix was fine."

"You are not a phoenix."

"Which is why I was smart enough to take added precautions, like a Portkey."

"But not smart enough to not shoot yourself off the planet!"

Harry was currently arguing with Aurora Sinastra on the grounds of Hogwarts.

They had quite the audience, the entire school was there, pupils, staff, ghosts...... the portraits were crowded into various frames that looked out the windows.

Nicholas and Perenelle were there as was Amelia and Moody.

They were currently watching the Astronomy Professor argue with a second year in front of a large metal sphere. It was big enough to fit maybe three adults.

"You've seen me float around in this thing." Harry reasoned, or more accurately; whined. "I can go higher than any broom or carpet."

"We don't know what will happen when you hit the outer atmosphere!"

"Now would be a good time to find out." Harry said decisively.

Aurora growled in frustration and turned to the adults. "Mister Flamel, Filius, can you talk some sense into him?" She practically pleaded.

"Aurora." Harry said solemnly as he reached up and placed calming hand on her shoulder. "It's for the Greater Good."

Aurora was completely confused as several adults burst into giggles.

Perenelle took pity on the young teacher and shoved Harry gently out of the way. "Have faith in your work, my girl. You have done an amazing job. Let Harry have his fun. He is far more capable than we give him credit for." She smiled reassuringly.

"I can't believe you are letting him do this." She scowled.

"Phoenix! Ember!" Nicholas called out.

The mother and hatchling appeared in front of him, hovering in the air.

"Harry is going to test his little space machine. Would you go with him and make sure he doesn't kill himself?"

Phoenix gave a chirp of confirmation whilst Ember seemed fairly excited and started flying happily around Harry's shoulders.

"I guess it will have to do." Aurora said morosely.

Ember picked up on the woman's worry and landed on her shoulder and began to sing softly whilst rubbing her head against Aurora's cheek.

It had a calming effect on her and she began to relax.

"I'm not finished with you." She said calmly with her eyes closed and still enjoying the presence of the young phoenix.

Harry paused, his foot just inside the circular opening into the spherical capsule.

"But if you come back with a single scratch I will never let you hear the end of it." It was a little unnerving to hear her say that with both complete serenity and conviction.

"Erm...... see you in a bit then." Harry gulped as he stepped in. Phoenix swooped in after him but Ember stayed on Aurora's shoulder.

Nobody backed away from the magical craft as it lifted off.

Unlike muggle space rockets this vehicle didn't use explosive combustion to fly. It used all manner of flight runes that were normally found on magic carpets, brooms and a certain Ford Anglia and Triumph Motorcycle.

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