Tell Me More

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I stood there in shock as I watched Faith run out the door. That certainly wasn't the reaction I was expecting to get from asking if she still loved me.
"Everything ok over here?" Byron asked walking over.
"Yeah everything fine" I said with a sigh
"Ok...." he said not completely believing me.
"What can you tell me about Faith besides that she writes and plays here" I said wondering what she's been up to the past few years.
"I mean that's all she's really known for. She's written some songs that have been in the top 10 on country radio; one of them's on track to be number 1, and last year she became the youngest person to be nominated for song of the year at the CMA's" he said shrugging.
"Damn she's really talented." I said impressed, I mean I always knew she was an amazing songwriter but until tonight I don't think I realized how amazing.
"That's an understatement, everyone in the industry wants to work with her. It's amazing she even has time to do this."
"I would too if I was putting out music"

Julia POV
I was standing at the bar talking to Tori when I noticed Faith bolt out the door with her guitar. I glanced over a Tim realizing he must've talked to her, before running out the door after her.
"Faith what's wrong?" I asked catching up to her at her car and tried to catch my breath from running through the parking lot.
"Tim asked if I still loves him and I panicked"
"So you decided just to run out?"

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