Monday Mornings

418 6 0

Faith POV
Monday mornings are horrible, who schedules writing sessions on Monday mornings especially at 8 am. I thought to myself as I walked into the small cafe in east Nashville where we were meeting. As I waited in line to order my coffee I heard a laugh I hadn't heard in almost four years. What is he doing in Nashville!? I was going through all the possibilities when I was brought out of my thoughts by the barista. I quickly ordered my coffee and waited for my name to be called. As I turned to walk over to the side I was met with the face I've struggled to forget.
"Hey Faith" he said with one of his crooked smiles that I loved.
"Hey Tim" I said with a smile just as my name was called for my coffee. I gave him a small wave and went to sit at a table by the window to wait for my writing partner. Without realizing it, it happened to be a table just a few over from Tim's, giving me a chance to eavesdrop of why he's here.
"So how are you and Kristine doing?" The guy who's face I couldn't see but voice I recognized asked.
"We're doing good, thinking about maybe moving in together. She had to stay behind and work, she's sorry she couldn't make the wedding."
"It's fine. It's gonna be a small wedding anyway, I'm sure Missy will understand"
I took a sip of my coffee, well at least he seems to be happy. I let out a sigh and started to wonder what could have happened with us if I hadn't moved up here to Nashville and left him behind. I was brought out of my thoughts by Julia sitting down across from me.

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