C H A P T E R 5

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8:30 am
I walk out of my room, and see my mom sitting in the living room.
"Who is that?" She asked
"My friend, goodbye"
"If you get pregnant, I'm not taking care of it" she says as I walk out the house.

I get into Finns car and close the door.
"Hey cute stuff" he says,
"Hey Finn" I say
"Are you okay?" He asked touching my hand,
"No, but I don't want to talk about it right now" I said and facing the window.
It was silent the rest of the ride to school.

When we got to school, I walked to my locker and see Sadie talking to Millie and she looks over at me

I ignored her and put my stuff away.

"Hey y/n!" Sadie says and try's to hug me, but I pushed her back.

"What do you want?" I say

"Well Millie and I are going to the mall after school, and we want you to go with us. We want to give you a makeover!" She says

"First of all, Why would I want a makeover? And second, I'm actually going to the mall with someone else" I say and start walking off.

"Oh come on, it would be so much fun."

"Yeah I'm not going with you or Millie and the minions to get a makeover." I say

"But with my help, we can probably get you a boyfriend!" She said

I stopped walking and turned around.

"I don't know who you are, but I know damn well that you are not the Sadie that I talked to 2 days ago. Because that Sadie knows that I don't want a boyfriend and I don't need to impress anyone!"

Before she could say anything, I walked to class.

I go and sit down and see Finn talking to jack, I decided to ignore it because it's none of my business.

Finn walks back to his desks and puts a note on my desk.

The front said "jack" on it. I threw it in my bag and ignored it for the rest of the day.

                    (Time skip to the mall)
We start walking around the mall and he try's to hold my hand but I stopped him.

"Hey, this is strictly a business relationship!" I say

We both start laughing,

"So is there any stores that you want to go to?" He asked.

"Hmm, Ive always wanted to get a thrasher T-shirt" I say

"You don't have one?" He says


"But" he paused "aren't you a skater?"

"I am but I used to not want one because everyone had a thrasher shirt, and most of them haven't stepped foot on a skateboard" I say, "and now nobody wears them, so now I want one."

"Okay well then let's go to Zumiez" he says.

We go into Zumiez and both get black and white thrasher shirts.

We decided to go to the food court and share Panda Express.

"So did you read the note that jack gave you?" He asked.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to know what he has to say"
"What did he do?"
"I don't want to talk about it" I say

I look over at the restrooms and see Sadie, Millie and the minions.
I rolled my eyes and I guess Finn caught me.
"Who is that?" He asked
I point at Sadie "that's Sadie, she used to be my best friend, I don't know what we are right now." I say "and that is Millie and the minions"

"Minions?" He says

"Yeah, we call them that because they do everything that she says" I said.

"What are there names?"

"Hmm I don't know"

We started laughing and Sadie walks up to us.

"Oh hey y/n and..." she says waiting for Finn to respond.

"Finn..." he says

"What are y'all doing here?" She asked

"Why do you care?" I say

She looks at me for a while and starts tearing up.

"Y/n can I please talk to you alone?" She asked

"Um okay" I looked at Finn to see if he was okay with it, he nodded and we walked into the restroom.

Once we get in there, she grabs my hand and locks me with her in a stall, she looks at me for a second and starts crying and gives me a hug.


"What are you talking about?" I asked




"Sadie if you think that I won't fight her, you are so wrong"

I walked out of the restroom and see Millie and the minions. I walk to her table and they stopped talking and looked at me.

"You bitch" I said
"Oh hello y/n"
"Oh shut up, you thought I wouldn't find out about what you have been doing?"
"Y/n y/n y/n, you don't know what you are doing"
I throw their food on the ground and get closer to her"
"Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me. Ever. Again." I say "or I will hurt you more than I hurt your skanky boyfriend!"

I was about to walk away, but she grabbed my hair and yanked it back.

I turn around and punch her boob, she stands up and yanks my hair again, so I grabbed her hair and pulled harder.

She threw one punch and it hit my shoulder, she started to freak out because she split her nail in half. When she wasn't paying attention, I punched her in the mouth and cut her lip. I feel someone grab me... it was security.

They put me in cuffs and walked me outside. I turned around and Finn and Sadie were following us.

The security asked me what happened and I explained everything.

They told me that I am banned for 6 months from the mall and they will escort me out if they see me.

"Y/n what were you thinking?" Sadie said sitting next to me in a bench outside.

"I guess I wasn't thinking" I say

"Come on, we need to get you home before you get into another fight" she says.

"I'll drive y'all home if y'all want?" Finn says

We get in Finns car and we drop Sadie off first and me next.

I get out of the car and my mom is waiting for me Inside...

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now