C H A P T E R 43

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   I sat in the interrogation room, handcuffed to the table so I wouldn't try to escape. Detective Allen heard I was at the station so she came to talk to me.

"Are you serious y/n? Your sisters are coming home tonight and instead of being at home waiting for them, you're here sitting in handcuffs for assaulting a minor! What were you thinking!?" Detective Allen says.

"I wasn't, she called Sadie a bitch and I warned her not to do that but she did it anyways." I say.

"I'm going to talk to your caseworker because shit like this could get your sisters taken away!"

I nod my head and look at the cuffs around my wrist.

"You need to start remembering that you are 18! This would be different if you were still 17! I can't believe you would do this!"

"Well technically she's 17 and that means she is considered an adult in the state of California."

She looked at me confused.

"I've been arrested before, I know the law."

"Okay well that actually does help."

The door swings open and my mom and dad walk into the room. They both sat down next to me as the interrogators walk in and sit in front of me.

"Good evening Oleff family." The woman said.

"What did she do?" My mom asked sternly.

The woman sighs and places her hands on the table slowly.

"That's what we are here to find out." She says.

They all look straight at me.

"I went to have breakfast with my friend Leah and she invited my ex boyfriend's girlfriend and she called my girlfriend a bitch, so I slammed her face into the table."

"Why did she call her a bitch?" The woman asks.

"Because she told me that my ex broke up with her so he can date me and my girlfriend thought I cheated on her so she started crying and then Isabella called her a sensitive bitch."

"And then you slammed her face into the table?"

"No, I told her that if she said it again I was going to slam her head against the table, and then she said it again so I did it."

"Is the girl with the red hair your girlfriend?"


Another 20 minutes past and we were finished.

"Okay y/n, well apparently miss Davis is 17 so she is technically not a minor, but you did break her nose so you will be going to jail for 6 months." The woman says.

"Can't she do probation?" My mom asks.

"She can! But she will have to talk to a judge tomorrow so she will have to stay in a cell for tonight."

"There's got to be a way she can come home tonight! Please we will do anything."

"You can bail her out tonight but she must be here tomorrow by 10:30 am or else she will be arrested." The woman says.

My mom bails me out and we were on our way home.

"From now on you tell me when you go somewhere. And no closed doors." My mom says.


"Don't ask me why. I saw Sadie's and your neck. I won't allow stuff like that to happen in this house!"

"Mom it's really not that serious, we're both two teenage girls, it's not like I can get her pregnant." I say.

"Don't argue with me."

I roll my eyes and rest my head on the car window.

We got home and I bursted through Wyatt's room to see him and Erin playing video games.

"What up criminal." He says.

"Going to see a judge tomorrow, and however that goes I either get probation or go to jail."

"Woah what did you do?" Erin asks.

"Slammed a girls face into a table and broke her nose." I say.

"Oh my god who's face?" She asked.

"My ex boyfriends ex girlfriend."

"Okay that's great can you go now?" Wyatt asked.

I laughed and left the door cracked.

I walked to the end of the hall where the home office used to be but now is my sisters room.

It was painted a light pink with butterfly stickers everywhere, Scarletts favorite color and Islas favorite bug.

Their beds were on both sides of the room, two white twin beds, one with blue sheets for Isla, and one with pink sheets for Scarlett.

There was a big white crate filled with toys, and a bookshelf with butterfly related books and toddler books.

Scarletts favorite thing is music, so we got her a small radio so she can listen to her favorite preschool songs.

I went into their closet the other day to color code their closet so I don't have to wake up at 3 in the morning to see Isla doing it herself. Her OCD has gotten worst the older she's gotten.

A few more hours until I see my baby sisters again.


My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now