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One month later

  Jennifer took me out of school early to go to the police station. I sit down holding Jennifer's hand while detective Allen sits down.

"Hello ladies." She says.

"Did you find my sisters?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, but we found your sisters body's in a creek this morning. They're dead..."

I woke up sweating and hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe, I tried to scream for help.

Wyatt burst through the door, getting on my bed and pulling me into a hug. He moved my hair out of my face and calmed me down.

The past week I've been having the same dream, Wyatt runs into my room every night to calm me down. I don't know where I would be without him.

I finally calmed down, he helps me get back inside my sheets.

"They're okay. I promise." He whispered.

He walks out of the room, leaving the door open just in case.

The next morning

Today is finally my 18th birthday! Normally I spend my birthday with Sadie and then my mom orders us pizza and that's it, but Jennifer refuses to do it that way.

I woke up at 8:00 on a Saturday so Jennifer and I could go get our nails done, at 11:30 I hanged out with Sadie in my room. 3:00 I got ready to go to dinner, and at 5:00 Jennifer, Doug, Sadie and I went to a steakhouse, which I thought was unfair since Sadie is vegan but she seemed fine with it.

Wyatt said he already had plans with Jaeden, chosen and Jermey today and Jennifer yelled at him, but he still went with them anyways. It kind of hurt my feelings but I didn't want to say anything.

An hour passed and we were still at the steakhouse, we finished eating awhile ago and decided to just stay to talk.

"Okay y/n, so have a present for you, I was gonna wait until tonight but I can't." Jennifer says as she hands me an envelope.

I open the envelope and see a paper and $200.

"Aww you guys didn't have to do this." I say.

"read the letter." Doug says.

I pull the paper out of the envelope and unfold it.

My eyes widened, tears forming into them.

"What's it say babe?" Sadie says putting her hand on my arm.

"Are you guys serious?" I say smiling.

"Yup! We're going to adopt you and when we find your sisters we're adopting them!" Jennifer says.

I jump out of my seat to hug them.

"You know, I've felt alone ever since my dad died, and now, I actually remember what it's like to have a family!"

"Awh and we are so happy to call you an Oleff!"

It was around 8:30 when we got home, all the lights were off so I guess Wyatt's not home yet.

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now