C H A P T E R 8

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10:34 am
I decided to take my sisters out for a girls day.

We went to get breakfast at ihop, then get our toes done, and I took them to get ice cream and go to the park.

I go with them on the swing sets, and I see Millie and Derek walking over to us.

"Oh hey y/n!" Millie says.
"What do you want?"
Millie's lip was about 95% recovered, and Derek had a small scar on his nose.
"We wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us tonight at my house?" Millie asks.

"Why would I do that?"

"Aww are you babysitting?" Millie says bending over to look at Scarlett.

"No these are my sisters, I'm having a girls day with them." I say.

"I have a little sister too, you guys should come over! Your sisters can play with my sister and we could hang out!" Millie says

I stare at her and start laughing.

"Yeah no"

"Why not? It would be so much fun!"

"Millie I swear if you don't leave, I'm going to smash your face against the concrete!"

"Watch who you are talking too... I brought my boyfriend with me this time!" Millie says

"HAHA... Millie I broke your boyfriends nose... and I bust your lip open..."

Millie rolls her eyes and walks off, Derek stares at me and winks, then walks away with Millie.

"Y/n who is that?" Isla asks.

"A very mean person." I say

                          (Time skip)
                            5:00 pm
I called Sadie to see if she wanted to go with us to the amusement park.

While my sisters were trying to win a bear, Sadie and I were watching them.

"So have you talked to Finn?" Sadie asks.

"No I've been trying to spend time with the girls all day." I say.

"Is everything okay at home?"

I look at Sadie and look back at my sisters.

"No... I think my mom is becoming an alcoholic..."

"Oh my gosh y/n that's terrible!"

"I don't want them to know yet. Once I'm 18, I'm getting them out of there before my mom puts a hand on them." I say.

It was quiet for a minute, I could tell Sadie was thinking, and I knew exactly what she was going to say...

"YOU AND YOUR SISTERS SHOULD COME LIVE WITH US!" Sadie says shouting on the top of her lungs.

I wanted to cry, I don't deserve her, I quickly gave her a hug before she could see me cry.

"Sadie I love you so much... but I can't come live with you." I say still hugging her.

"What? Why not?" She gently pushes me off and sees me crying.

"It's to much right now... and I can't just pull them away from our mom yet. They don't see how horrible our mom is."

She stares at me and starts crying, and pulls me back into a hug.

"Y/n I don't want her to hurt you, or your sisters."

"She's not going to hurt them, or me."

"How do you know that?"

I stare at her for a second, and look at my sisters who were still trying to win that bear.

"I don't know..."

(Time skip to Monday morning)
I wake up with Isla and Scarlett next to me, I guess they crawled in bed last night.

I go into their room and pick their clothes out.
I choose a light pink shirt with a pair of white jeans and pink shoes for Isla. A yellow shirt with Daisy's on it, blue jeans, and white shoes for Scarlett.

After I get them dress, I walked into my closet and pulled out a plain red T-shirt, black ripped jeans, and a random pair of vans.

I grabbed all of my stuff and my sisters stuff and started walking them to school.

I dropped Scarlett off at daycare and dropped Isla off at her elementary school.

It was 8:30 am and school started at 9:30am.

I put my headphones in and pressed shuffle on my favorite playlist and started walking to Sadie's house.

I get there at 9:19 am so we had to run to school.

I run to my locker and put my stuff in my locker and run to first period.

"You're late miss y/l/n" the teacher said.

I ignore her and wave at jack, then sit at my desk next to Finn.

"How was your weekend?"He asked.

"Could have been better..."

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you about it later."

(Bell rings)

"Hey what are you doing this weekend?" Finn asks while touching my arm.

"Um I don't think I'm doing anything... why?"

"Wyatt is having a party this weekend at his house and I wanted to take you with me..." he says looking at his shoes then back up at me.

"Sure! Sounds like fun." I say

He looks back up at me, then smiles.

We walk out of the room and I run to find Sadie.

When I found her, she was kissing Caleb and I didn't want to interrupt them.

"What up skater girl!" I hear someone say from behind me.

"Hey jack!"

He puts his arm around my shoulder,

"I have an idea... you. Me. Go to Wyatt's party together!" He had a huge grin on his face.

I put my arm around his waist, and let out a huge sigh.

"I'm sorry jack, but Finn just asked me to go with him." I say placing my head on his shoulder.

"Oh okay..."

"Oh and by the way... when were you going to tell me about Amelia?" I asked.

"Oh.. right. Um how did you find out about her?"


"I knew it was a bad idea to tell her" he mumbled.


"Nothing, um well I met her in science... and we kind of clicked instantly." He said.

"Why were you so nervous to tell me?" I asked

"I don't know..."

(Bell rings)
We look at each other and realize that we are late to second period.

"I'll talk to you at lunch." Jack said and gave me a hug.


My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now