C H A P T E R 37

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My sisters and I have been alone for 6 weeks, with barely enough money for food.

The girls and I are starting to get very skinny. Scarlett has breakfast and lunch at her school, as well as two snacks between. Isla and I lunch since we can't afford to have breakfast at school.

Every night I either make noodles or Mac and cheese, and not the good Mac and cheese.

I open the door and was face to face with someone I wasn't expecting.


"Hi sweetie!" My mother says as she pulls me into a hug.

I stood there in shock. She lets go of me and runs to the girls to hug them.

"Ugh I missed my babies so much!"

The girls were so excited to see her again.

"Mommy where did you go?" Isla asked.

She looked up at me and then back at them.

"Uhm just a business trip."

She works the night shift at Walmart. What Walmart business trips are 6 weeks long.

I roll my eyes at her comment and walk back to my room, closing the door behind me.

20 minutes later she walks into my room.

"Wow y'all have no food at all huh." She says.

"Where did you really go?"

"Oh my gosh okay so I started talking to this new guy before the accident and he invited me to Vegas! Oh y/n I won so much money, you would have been proud!"

"Well I'm not. You left us with no money and no food! Have you seen how much weight I lost? I've barely eaten so I could feed them!"

"Well you look great!"

"That's not the point! The point is you left us with nothing! And you tried walking back into my house like nothing happened!"

"Okay first of all this is not your house! And second of all you have a job, I assumed you could afford to feed and take care of them... I guess I should've known you were selfish enough to use all of it for yourself."

"Are you fucking serious? You know what? that money is supposed to be for me! But instead I've been using it to pay the bills and try to feed the girls!"

"How dare you curse at your mother!"

"I can't handle this right now." I say as I get up and walk out the room.

"Where are you going!?" She yells from my room.

I ignore her question and walk out of the house to go to Sadie's.

The walk was longer than normal because I went the long way for no reason. I walked passed the skatepark where I haven't been to in awhile.

Jack was there. He was with Finn and a couple other skaters that go to our school.

I miss jack, he was such a fun person to be around. I haven't talked to him since the Finn and Sadie incident.

I walked closer to see him. He noticed me and waves. I waved back and kept walking.

He runs to catch up with me.

"What up skater girl!" Jack says.

"Hey it's been awhile!"

"Yeah I'm sorry I've been caught up with school and shit like that."

"Nah it's cool and I'm sorry too."

"So what happened today with Sadie and Ryder?"

"Too long of a story, I'll call you tonight and we can talk about it if you want?" I asked.

"Yeah that's cool!"

"Well I'm on my way to Sadie's so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay have fun!"

I wave goodbye and kept walking.

A few minutes later, I finally got to Sadie's.

Her sheer white curtains were pushed to the side, so you could see into her room.

She stood in front of the window, folding laundry. I put one hand over my eyes to block from the sun and wave to get her attention.

She looks out her window and excitedly walks out of her room.

I walk to the front door as I was greeted with it being swung open.

"Hi y/n come in!" Sadie says.

We walked upstairs to her slightly messy room. I sit on her freshly made bed as she continues to fold her clothes.

"So where's the girls?"

"At home with my mom."

"Your mom? I thought she left."

"She did! She went to Vegas with some guy!"

"Oh my god are you serious!?"

"Yeah and she just walk back in like nothing happened!"

We talked for hours, catching up on each others lives until it was time for me to leave.

I walked home in the dark with my hands in my back pockets. Once I got home, there was no one there...

Hate to do this to y'all but there's only a few chapters left...

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now