C H A P T E R 30

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  It's been a month since Sadie has talked to me. I have put multiple apology card in her locker and tried to go to her house but her family still won't let me in due to the incident.

It was the day of the trial, and I was nervous as shit.

I mean I guess I shouldn't have push her but I was just trying to stand up for the love of my life.

Everyone sat in the court room, Margo and her lawyer on the left side and me and my lawyer on the right side.

This was my second time meeting my lawyer, she came by yesterday to hear the story then left.

Sadie walks in and takes a seat near me. She doesn't look at me. All of her hair was on the right side of her face. She was wearing a dark purple dress that went to her knees and covered her cleavage. She had black heels and black dangling earrings.

She looked perfect. I missed her so much, it hurts.

We were in court for 4 hours, I was charged for assault and had a fine of $2,000 for her broken nose.

My mom had the money to pay for it but she's making me get a job to pay her back.

I went to the mall that I used to be banned from and applied for every store that was hiring.

After almost a week of waiting, I finally got a call from footlocker. I work from 4:45 to 8:00 on the week days, 10:30 to 4:30 on weekends and I make $7.50 an hour.

I'll make $416.24 every two weeks. So I won't be working for a long time, as long as I don't spend any of the money.

Today is Saturday and my first day is Monday. I was packing my backpack with a few things before I went to the skate park. I planned on being there all day with jack.

I packed a small blanket, my mini first aid kit, some water bottles, my headphones, charger and five dollars that I found on the ground yesterday.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked as I was walking to the door.

"I'm hanging out with jack, I already told you this."

"You're not off the hook about what happened."

"Mom, we already paid them and I got a job to pay you back. What else do you want from me?"

"You beat her up for the stupidest reason. You're grounded until you pay me back!"

"I beat her up for Sadie!"

"And where is she?"

I just stared at her, it all came back to me, my best friend is gone, and it's my fault.

I walk back into my room and slam the door.

After 10 minutes of being in there, I opened my window and jumped out.

The skate park was completely empty, Jack was sitting on the ground looking down at his phone.

He looks up at me and smiles.

We skated for maybe 2 hours until we got tired and decided to go sit at the park to talk.

"So how are you and Sadie?" He asks.

I adjust myself in the grass and bring my knees closer towards me.

"She caught me and Finn together a few weeks ago... at my house and now she won't talk to me."

"Wait.. you cheated on her?"

"No we weren't exactly together yet, I mean I saw her as my girlfriend but it never was official."

"Does she consider you her girlfriend?"

"I- I don't know, we never talked about it. We were going to that night but then Margo came by and ruined it... I lost my best friend because I got into a fight, for her."

"No... that's not the reason why you lost her, you lost her because you cheated."

"It's not cheating, we were never together."

"Alright then, so when Finn did the same thing, it was cheating, but when you do it... it's not?... I don't know y/n but no offense you sound like a hypocrite."

"How? What Finn did was terrible, he made out with the girl that stole Sadie's boyfriend!"

"And you had sex with your ex. Your move."

I tried to say something until I realized he's right.... but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"You know what? I did not come here to be criticized. I came here to hang out with my friend and have a good time, but now my mood is ruin so I'm leaving!" I say as I get up and walk off.


Also I'm sure I've said it before idk but after I finish a chapter, I go over it once and then I don't mess with it again unless I really need to, so if there is anything in here that doesn't really make sense, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now