C H A P T E R 39

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We were at the police station for almost three hours. I talked to several people about the same thing. Sadie stuck with me the entire time, but I could tell she was ready to leave.

We were sitting at a table together, waiting for the last person to come talk to me about what happened.

"You can go home now if you want, I know you have homework to do." I say to her.

"I'm not leaving until you leave." She says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

The woman walks up and sits down at the other side of the table.

"Hello miss l/n I'm detective Allen." She says reaching to shake my hand.

"I know you're probably tired of repeating your story so I won't have you repeat it again. We are sending out a team to track down your mother and sister and will be putting out an amber alert. So for tonight we do not want you to go home alone so you will be put into a foster home, we found a great family that was willing to foster you until you turn 18."

I nod my head while staring at my shoes.

"Okay well their names are Jennifer and Doug oleff, they should be here soo-"

Sadie and I's heads pop up at their names.

"Wait... do you know if they have any other kids?" I ask.

"Uh yes, a 17 year old named Wyatt and an 18 year old named Eli." She says.

"Oh my god! We go to school with Wyatt!" Sadie says.

"Great! So you should adjust well!" She says smiling.

About 20 minutes passed and I could see Jen and Doug walking in. Sadie and I got up and walked over to them.

"Hi y/n! Oh my gosh it's been so long since I've seen you!" Jennifer says while pulling me into a tight hug. "Just a warning, Wyatt thinks I'm bringing home a 9 year old so if he seems shocked to see you, that's why."

I nod and smile as we all start walking to the car. We dropped Sadie off at her house first and drove to my house to grab my things.

I packed my duffel bag with some clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, perfume, two other pairs of shoes, my laptop, chargers, headphones, etc. right before I left, I found a picture of my sisters and I and took it with me.

We walked into the quiet house as they took me to my room which was right next to Wyatt's.

It was his old brother Eli's room, the walls were white and all the furniture was white too. I placed my bags on the desk next to the bed.

"Now I know they said you can stay until you're 18 but we are totally okay with you staying as long as you would like, which means you may decorate the room how ever you want." Jennifer says.

"Thank you mrs.Oleff ."

"Awh call us Jennifer and Doug." She says smiling while closing the door.

I sit on the bed and plug my charger into the outlet next to my bed. A minute later I hear the door burst open which startled me.

Wyatt stood there in shock.


I laughed as I went back to putting away my clothes.

"Stop screaming! I was going to but then I saw that she was also in the foster care system and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't take her so here we are! Dinner will be ready soon, and then we will be going over the house rules." Jennifer says.

I nod and go back to organizing, Wyatt walked in and sat on the bed, looking at the picture of my sisters an I.

"So are they in foster homes too?" He asks.

"Nope. They are with my mom."

"Then why are you in foster care?"

"Because she left me and took my sisters."

I finally finished putting everything away and sat on my bed.

"Is this weird for you?" I ask.

"What? Having a new sister that I almost went out with? Yeah totally not weird." He says sarcastically.

I laugh at his response.

"Is this weird for you?" He asks.

"Very weird, I was planning on going back to my house with Sadie after school, and instead I was at a police station for hours and put into a house with a boy that I almost went out with."

"Dinners ready." Doug says, basically running down the hall.

We all sit at the dining table, Jennifer prepares a chicken avocado salad that was amazing considering I haven't had a good meal in months.

"Okay so let's go over the rules, you're both teenagers and apparently there was a small spark between you two so please remember that you two are now foster siblings." Jennifer states.

I laugh at the first rule as Wyatt shakes his head.

"Don't worry mom, that ship has sailed and sunk, also she has a girlfriend." Wyatt says.

She smiles in relief.

"Okay that's great, anyways also curfew is 9:30, 10 the latest, we do allow party's but the house must be as clean if not cleaner after, like I said before you may decorate your room how ever you'd like but please make sure you keep it clean, they advised me that you already have a job so once you turn 18 you must pay your phone bill by yourself, anything else that is reasonable I or Doug will pay for, you must help out with roro aka our dog which means at least two walks a week, friends are allowed over but you must stay quiet past 11:00, also every Sunday night we have movie nights that you don't have to participate in but it would be nice if you do, no drugs, no alcohol, no weed, and your bedtime is 11:00 unless you still have homework to do."

"Yes ma'am." I say.

Dinner was over, I showered and did my normal night routine in my own bathroom that I didn't have to share with my family. I get into bed and turned my lamp off. The picture of my sisters was right next to it, I grabbed it and pulled it close to my chest, letting teardrops soak my pillow.

I hope they're okay.

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now