C H A P T E R 33

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Ryder, Lizzy and I walk in the halls filled with tired and annoying kids.

Sadie and Leah stand next to Sadie's locker, she looks over at me and smiles.

Ryder isn't too thrilled about me being friends with my ex best friend who I almost dated.

I walk Ryder to her first period, leaving a kiss on her cheek.

As usual, I walk into first period, put my stuff down, and then take a nap. When class is over, usually Sadie will poke me with her pencil and walk out. Today she stayed.

"So what are you doing after school?" She asks.

"I have work."

"After that?"

"I'm going to Ryder's to study."

"Oh okay, so do you want to have lunch with Leah and I?"

"Um, yeah sure!"

She smiles and walks out of the class.

I walk to my second period and sit down next to Leah.

"It's probably wrong for me to say it, but I'm team Sadie." She says.

I shrug my shoulders and start writing in my journal.

We were in the middle of a presentation when the classroom phone started ringing.

The teacher runs to the phone and answers the call.

"Hello? Yes she's in here... Uh huh, oh my goodness! Okay yes I'll send her up there with her stuff immediately!" The teacher says on the phone.

"Y/n, you need to head up to the office with your stuff right now!" The teacher says.

"What why?"

"It's not my place to tell you."

I roll my eyes, grabbing my stuff, walking to the front office.

I open the door to see a police officer and everyone else staring at me.

"Uh hi I'm y/n."

"We know sweetie." The lady at the front desk says.

"So what's the problem?"

"Miss l/n, I hate to do this to you, but you're mother has gotten into a car crash while under the influence of alcohol, her and two little girls who I'm assuming are your sisters are In the hospital right now." The police officer says.

"Wait what? My mom stopped drinking a year ago! And I dropped my sisters off at school today! I'm sorry but I think you have to wrong person."

"Is your mothers name Joan l/n?" He says as he shows a picture of my mother and me, the same picture that she keeps in her wallet.

I slowly nod while looking at the picture of us.

I was 7 years old, my dad took us to a festival. My mom and I did not want to be there, he promised to take us to my favorite 50's themed diner.

I sat next to my mom in the red booth, my dad sat in front of us. We all shared a banana split, he took a picture of us giving each other a spoon full of ice cream.

It was one of the last happy moments with him.

The officer walked me to his car and we drove to the hospital.

I ran to my sisters room first to make sure they were okay.

They were both laying in beds, connected to machines, asleep.

I walk next to them and leave a kiss on top of their heads.

"Well we're running some tests, Isla is going to be okay... but we are not 100% sure Scarlett is going to make it." The doctor whispers to me.

"What? What do you mean? Why?"

"Well she wasn't in a car seat, she hit her head really hard on the car door which lead to a concussion, she hasn't woken up since. She's breathing fine but that doesn't mean she's going to survive."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I have never been so mad at my mom before.

My mom was on the second floor. I stood in the elevator wondering why she would do this to my sisters.

I walk into her room, she was laying in a bed watching tv.

"Hey sweetie!" She says.

I didn't say anything.

"Mom why would you do this?"

"Oh this is Isla's fault."

"How the hell did an 8 year old make you get drunk, pick her up from school, and crash the car?"

"Well I was driving and she wouldn't stop talking so I turned around and told her to be quiet and the all of a sudden we crashed!" She says so calmly.

"And why were you drinking?"

"I just wanted a taste."

"Mom do you not realize what you did? Your daughter might die and you're sitting here all calm and relaxed!"

"She's not going to die, she's tough."

I roll my eyes and make my way back into my sisters room.

*few hours later*

Isla was finally awake, she explained how I dropped her off and then a few minutes later, our mom picked her up,  she told Isla that they were going on a road trip, they drove on the bridge that my dad died on, she stepped on the gas and crashed into the side of the bridge.

The doctors asked to speak to me privately, they said they found heroin in her system. That's when I realized my mom tried to kill herself, and my sisters.

Just wanted to let you know there will be no new chapter next week because this next chapter is killing me and I know it won't be done by then but I promise the second it's done I will post it and we will be back on schedule :)

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now