03 - Encounter

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„Watch out!" Yunlan warned when someone bumped into him in the back hallway.

"What did ya say?"

"I said watch out, you brat!" Yunlan repeated himself louder. "Can not you hear? Are you deaf?"

"Do you know who I am?" the man took Yunlan's collar and pushed him to the wall. "Repeat that to my face. Come on!" Instead of answering, Yunlan spat into his face. That made the man angrier and kicked him in the stomach, making the world spinning fast.

"You can not even hit me right..." Yunlan chuckled.

"You want more?" the man took Yunlan by the collar again. Just when he wanted to break his nose with his fist a girl appeared behind them and screamed. The man gave her a glare to shut up and the girl run around them to the restroom.

"How about we continue it outside?"

"Deal," Yunlan nodded. "But you should prepare yourself. Going to kick your soul out of you." 

Both of them went out to the small yard behind the club.


Shen Wei decided to at least stretch his legs since he has been sitting there for a few hours. His friends, still nowhere to be seen, were having fun for sure. While they were dancing the night away, Shen had four juices already. He would have to get up anyway because his bladder was full. He walked down to the dance floor and made his way through the masses of sweated bodies to the hallway leading to restrooms. But when he wanted to open the door with a figure of a man, to what someone added very nasty details, he heard noises coming from the outside.

"Just wait, I am going to kill you, you bitch!" There was a dull sound of a punch and a few painful groans followed. Cold run down Shen Wei's spine. There must be a fight between some drunken guys. Normally he would not pay any attention to it and just walk away, but his curiosity was sometimes hard to stop. He peeked outside.

In a scanty light coming from a street lamp he saw two men fighting drunkenly, stumbling over their own feet to give one more punch, spitting their blood around, cursing as they did so.

Yunlan supported himself on a fence to catch a breath and the light illuminated his whole face. Shen gasped. It was the same young man he was observing before. He made a few steps closer, but stopped when Yunlan run to his enemy again punching his face with a fist.

"What am I doing?" Shen thought to himself. "I want to save a total stranger, a drunken youngster. Why? It is not sane." The conclusion was, he wanted to do at least one good deed to make his birthday "party" worth it. With this decision made, he stepped to the yard.

"Hey, what do you want here? Don't mess with us!" the man shouted at him, making his best to stand straight. Yunlan glanced at Shen Wei, hardly able to keep steady as well. 

"I have to help him!"

"Stop it now," Shen Wei said in a firm voice, yet his legs trembled. The man pointed at him with a blooded sharp piece of iron and came closer.

"If I were you I would run," he threatened him.

Shen glanced to the other man and then back to the armed one. "I am the owner of this club," Shen lied, fixing his eyes to the horribly smelly guy. "If you will not stop this now I am going to call the police."

The man looked at Yunlan, back at Shen Wei and then again to Yunlan. "You are lucky. But remember this, I will find you again!" He then threw away the iron and hobbled back to the club. 

Shen breath out when the man was gone. It was surprising to him that he was able to handle this situation. When he turned to the other man he saw his eyes closing slowly. Shen run to him just in time to catch him in his arms when Yunlan lost consciousness.

+++End of chapter 3+++

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