10 - Welcome again

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"This guy is impossible...," Chu sighed when no one came to open the door even after several rings and furious knocking. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen's number again. Finally a beep sound announced the other side picked the phone and Chu can speak to him.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"Home," Shen told him, still half-asleep. "Where should I be?"

"I told you I will come today," Chu said a bit annoyed. "I was not even able to eat breakfast because I had to come from the other side of the city."

Shen rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. It read 9AM. No wonder Chu was angry at him as his day usually does not start before 11AM. "Wait, I will open the door for you." Shen stumbled to his feet and opened the front door for his friend. "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Of course I will!" Chu made his way straight to the living room where he flung himself on the sofa. "You... have been sleeping here?"

"Yes," Shen admitted. "I was so worn out yesterday..."

"You should wash the whole thing," Chu sniffed. "It smells horribly."

"That is just the blanket," Shen took it into his hands.

"No, it is not just the blanket," Chu shook his head. "You did not wash yourself as well, right?"

Shen blushed. "Do I smell?"


"I will go take a shower then. Will you help yourself with the coffee? There is some food in the fridge as well if you are hungry."

"That sounds like a plan and I like it!" Chu jumped to his legs again, ready to eat everything Shen has in the kitchen. "By the way... Did you find him yesterday?"

"Nope," Shen whispered. He tried to smile at his friend. "But it is fine... Do not worry about it."

"No, it is not fine." Chu placed his hand on Shen's shoulder. "When you fall in love it means you are in a big trouble, my friend. You take love very seriously and I do not want you to be as broken as before." Shen looked at him sadly and Chu bit his tongue. "I am sorry to talk about it again but... I just do not want you to get hurt again. I hope you understand my concern."

"Let's just not talk about it anymore, okay?" Shen pleaded.

"Fine. But if you feel like talking, I am here."

"I know. Thank you."

"And now go to the shower. I cannot even breathe in your presence." Chu hushed him away before tears appeared in Shen's eyes.

Shen left to his room to get some clean clothes and then he closed himself in the bathroom. Chu, in the sweet meantime, cleared Shen's fridge off all the food that was inside.

"Yes, this night life indeed needs a lot of energy," he sighed when he was about to drink his second cup of strong coffee. And then the doorbell rang.


It rang again.

"Will you go open, please?" Shen shouted from the bathroom.

"I am going!" Chu screamed at both sides, for Shen to stay where he was, surely still naked, and for the one ringing the door to know he will open it soon. He had no idea who could be that impatient to talk to Shen on Saturday's morning. And no one could ever prepare him for the view that opened to Chu when he reached for the doorknob.

"... G-Good d-day...," the young man stuttered when seeing Chu. 

Chu examined him with his eyes and tried to remember Shen's description of that unknown boy he so madly felt in love with. Brown- colored eyes resembling hot chocolate. With a warm hint of chilly in it. Handsome face, now with a bit of a blank expression. Nicely build tall body...  

"Such a cutie! Shen, you have an amazing taste!" Chu thought. 

When Yunlan finally opened his mouth to say something he was interrupted by the honey-scented voice that kept on creeping into his dreams recently.

"Who was it?" Shen appeared in the hallway, falling silent as soon as he saw the newcomer.

"I just... I came to return this," the young man said and gave Chu a bag with shirt in it. "I am sorry for disturbing you." He bowed and turned to leave. He was disappointed to find out Shen was not alone. But what he could expect? Such refined and good looking gentleman with a stable job... Yunlan was a fool to think he has even the slightest chance with him. 

"Wait!" Shen shouted. "Chu was just leaving, right?" he looked at his friend, begging him with his eyes to leave them alone. Yunlan turned with uncertainty. 

"Oh, yes, I just came to pick up my... ehmm... thing I forgot the last time I stopped by my friend's home," Chu smiled and turned to Shen so Yunlan could not see him. "Is that him?" he asked in a whisper. Shen smiled. Chu showed him two thumbs up of approval. "He is sexy... just be careful, okay?" Shen nodded  and then averted his attention to the man behind Chu. And Chu knew it is the time to leave them alone.

"Well, thank you for your help, much appreciated," Chu said to Shen while he was quickly putting on his shoes. "Oh and this is yours I think." He gave Shen the bag he received earlier. "See you later on another party, man."

"I am not going to any party with you," Shen reminded him firmly. 

"Well, I guess you have no reason to do so now," Chu smiled and looked at Yunlan. "It was nice meeting you." He bowed to the man and then rushed to clear the field. Before turning the corner he stopped for a while and looked back to see the young man's butt. "Geez, Shen, you lucky man..."

Yunlan was still standing outside, looking apologetic. "I did not want to disturb you..."

"No need to feel sorry for anything. Chu is always like a wind. Here and then elsewhere. Even I am sometimes surprised how we ended up being friends," Shen said jokingly. 

Yunlan slightly smiled upon hearing that comparison. He never met someone who speaks like that.

"Come in."

+++End of chapter 10+++

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