Unwanted guest

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Chapter 6- Unwanted guest

Kenji’s POV

I’m starring at the mirror; I just came out from the bathroom. I was taking my night bath. Only a bathrobe is surrounding my lower part of my body is on me. I stared at my hair, I recalled at what happened earlier in nami’s house. And together with it is the moment where sato told us to stay away from her.

It saddens me, the thought of leaving her side; A total doomsday.

But I can’t just leave the group for it and I’m sure snow won’t follow sato’s suggestion. He’s that hard headed.

But I’m not really sure if snow has feelings for her, he’s too unpredictable despite on the way he acts. He’s full of surprises,

I can’t avoid that girl easily, not now that she’s talking to me.

But I’m part of snow’s gang crew; screw this! I don’t know what to do.

Snow’s POV

I don’t love her, I pity her.

Sato’s right, if we keep someone so close to us that are not even part of the group, will be hurt. And I don’t want that to happen to her. Well she’s not that special, I just got to know her a little.

She’s persistent, humble, cute, kind to others except for me, and a total idiot! She’s not my type! Sato’s mistaken me for being in to her.

I wonder what’s that squirrel doing right now… Is she going to school this Monday?

WHAT?! Erase! Erase! Erase!

Erase that thought of her!

Seriously why am I thinking about her? I’m surely out of my mind! I shake my head to erase the thought. I need to space myself away from her; feel something unexplainable feeling if I’m with her.

Nami’s POV

Hmmm… I’m in the department store; looking at the displayed shirt of a certain brand. I need to buy myself some new clothes. I’ve been repeating my outfits’ everyday!

Its hard to chose if there’s so many styles that you like and you have this scarcity of allowance; how poor can I get?

Truth to be told if you go on shopping and you have this bundle of money, you’ll have problem in choosing things while on the other side if you stroll in the mall and find that there’s so many things you want to buy but you don’t have money. Cruel world indeed!

Well we’re not really poor my parents are rich; but I don’t want to receive even a scent from my father. That’s why I have summer jobs or even part time jobs.

I grabbed the black dress with a red ribbon on its back; it’s cute!

I buy things like this; cute stuffs. Sexy and stunning outfits may not suit my body; I’m not gifted in the back and especially in the front if you know what I mean.

“Hmm… should I take this?” I murmured

As I glance to look some more designs; my eyes landed into a familiar figure. A guy in sweaters, loose jeans wearing a cap and has three piercings on the right side of his ears; it’s kenji.

What is he doing in this section anyway? This is the girls section; underwear, dresses, blouses and etc are here but only for girls! He’s a boy! What is he doing here? Is he going to buy a gift for her girlfriend? Oh… well I never heard him having a girlfriend any way; but one thing to find out is to talk to him.

“Hey kenji!” I screamed while waving my hand so that he’ll spot me.

He jerked out; did I scare him?

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