The party

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💁Jaz pov💃

I got to the address taylor told me to go to and it was a cute little house in Indiana. I was about to knock on the door but Instead I pulled out my phone and rang him and he answered "um hey I am outside, like of your house". just then he hung up and opened the door. "OMG you are even more beautiful in real life"!! he said and I just stood there with my eyes wide open did he really just say that out loud?!? I think that he was thinking the same thing because he covered his mouth and invited me in. he told me to wait in the living room so I just sat there awkwardly on the couch. he came back in and said "um can you come out side now my brother has been waiting for his surprise all day?" I nod and get up he shows me into the backyard and all eyes are on me and then I look around to see a little boy blindfolded standing there. he must have herd the door shut because he tried to look around and then realised that he has a blindfold on. Taylor walked over to who I think was Tristan and said "ok ready buddy, you have to remember to not scream because this surprise is AWESOME!!"

Taylor slowly removed the blindfold and Tristan took a deep breath and ran over to me and jumped up into my arms and whispered in my ear "OMG i love you so much thank you so much for coming here" with that I almost cried. I was standing there with the most adorable little boy in my hands "sweetie I am so glad that you are happy I am here I can't wait to get the PARTY STARTED!!" I yelled and at that point Tristan was running around the backyard screaming. I guess that he was excited?

Tristan calmed down a bit and we started playing duck duck goose everyone was sitting down and Tristan was running around "duck duck duck goose" he landed on Taylor, Taylor got up and started chasing Tristan. We played that and some other games for a while then I herd my phone ringing so I got up and answered it "hey Jaz how is it going at the party" deana said over the phone "yeah it's going great" I said walking through the front door "is everything ok over there? is the boy giving you trouble? OMG is he cute?" Deana said without taking a breath "deana calm down everything is ok, no he isn't giving me trouble and yeah he is so cute his name is taylor and he has the most gorgeous eyes ever" I heard the door close and turn around to see taylor standing there with his mouth open "you think that I am cute?" He asks in shock "ummmmm yeah but you weren't supposed to hear that" I talked on the phone to deana for a little while longer then I said I had to go.

I saw that there was a house for sale across the road and taylor must have seen me staring at it because he said "that place has been up for sale for a while" I turned around and said "that place is gorgeous". I walk over to the house and look at the sign in front of it. it was a two story house so I imagine it is pretty big inside. I pick up my phone and call deana and she answered "hey slut what so you want?" (Our usual greeting) "hey bitch I was wondering if you want to move into this house it's two story and it is across the road from the cute guy i was talking about" I turn around and wink at Taylor and he blushes. aww little cutie 😊

Me and deana talk on the phone for a little bit more then I decide to walk back to the backyard. I put my phone on the table and look around and everyone was staring at me. them I feel two arms rap round my waist next thing I know I was being thrown into the pool.

~Later that day~

I checked my phone and it was 7:30pm already what?!? "Hey Taylor thanks for inviting me to the party but I have to get going to my hotel now" I say and taylor looks at my with a puppy dog face. aww he is so cute!! "please don't leave you can stay here for the night" he pleads and I eventually give in. I feel kind or weird that I am now staying at a random guys house. IN ANOTHER COUNTRY I MIGHT ADD!!! But I was ok with it I mean what was the worst that could happen? I was just laying on Taylor's bed when I feel it sink down next to me and I open my eyes to see a shirtless taylor laying next to me "so where am I sleeping" I say with a wink "right here" he says patting to bed next to him. I go and sit down on the bed and then I realise that I don't have any clothes.

I get up if the bed and walk over his wardrobe and open it and start looking through his clothes "cutie what are you doing?" taylor asks in a suspicious voice "I'm just getting some clothes to wear, you don't expect me to wear this to bed do you?" I ask pointing at my clothes.

"Sweetie you could always wear nothing if you want?" he asks with a wink and I reply with a simple death stare.

I finally find a pear of track pants and a baggy jumper.

I climb into the bed next to him and he puts his arm around my waist "what are you doing?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "oh me? I just wanna cuddle" I laugh and close my eyes with that I was out like a light.

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