"You are a fucking idiot"

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~5 months later~

💁Jaz pov💃

So Elyssa and Jc have moved to Australia because Elyssa had the twins she called the boy Nick and the girl Bella. They are doing good and yeah.

Deana and Austin finally got engaged, Taylor and I are starting to plan our wedding and Magcon has become really popular so has The Janoskians. my brothers are coming over today for a visit and they said that they are buying a house In America so that's good.

"Hey babe" Taylor said walking out of the bathroom. "hey" I say with no facial expression. "why are you still in bed it's 3:30pm and your brothers will be here at 3:45" Taylor said checking the time on his phone. i just groan. "oh and did I add that Jai and Luke are bringing their girlfriends over as well" he said sitting on the bed. with that I got out of bed and went and put on a blue summer dress that was tight at the top and loose at the bottom it stopped above me knees, I left my hair down and put on a black Magcon beanie and my black converses then I just put on some mascara and eyeliner and I was done by the time it was 3:40. "wow you only took 10 minutes and you still look amazing" Taylor said kissing me. "I know I always look amazing" I say posing. Then there was a knock on the door. we both ran downstairs. "hey where is everyone else?" I ask running down stairs. "oh they all went out for dinner so it is Just us and the boys and their girlfriends" Taylor said and I nodded. when I reached the door I opened it and there stood Beau, Jai, Luke, Ariana and Jesi. I smiled, hugged the boys and let them in side. "Jaz can I talk to you please?" Jesi said walking into the backyard. I nodded and followed. when I got out there she was sitting down. I sat next to her. "ok I know that you may think I am a slut because I am dating your brother and all that but I just wanted to say that I am really sorry I didn't mean anything that I have ever said to you I was just jealous and I really didn't want to you know, shoot you in the leg it is just that some one forced me to do that stuff and I just want things to be clear between us, and yeah I am really sorry" she said with tears in her eyes. "was she really sorry? "I have lost everything on Australia my dad won't even talk to me any more because I would always get drunk so he sent me over here to live with my auntie and life is really hard at the moment" she said starting to cry. I just awkwardly patted her back trying to comfort her.

We talked for a while and I forgave her. "so you said that you were forced to shoot me, who actually forced you?" I ask and that caused her to stop laughing and look at me seriously. "well" she took a deep breath "it was the boys dad" she said. "but why did he make you shoot me?" I ask confused. "because he knew that if you were hurt the boys would go to you and he was planing to kidnap the boys and take them away somewhere and the when they were really famous he would take their money" she said. "ok then" I say and we go inside. "wow you guys were out their for ages is everything ok?" Taylor said kissing me. "yeah we cleared everything up and yeah we are all good now" I say and sit down at the table. we started eating out dinner. I don't know who cooked but it was really good, we had roast chicken with veggies. "hey guys wanna hear a joke?" Beau said and we nodded. "ok how many nuns will you ever see in your life?" everyone went silent then he said "probably nun" we all laughed and I said "you are a fucking idiot, and you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend" he stopped laughing and sat up in his chair properly.

Then everyone walked in the door. Deana stopped and death stared Jesi. "Deana we are fine now we talked about it and yeah, plus she is dating Luke now" I said and she unclenched he fist. "Hey Jai, Luke, Beau, Ariana and Jesi" Deana said with a smile on her face. we all started talking then I suggested that we play basketball. we that was a bad idea. just imagine all of Magcon, the Janoskians and two other famous Youtubers all playing one game of basket ball. as I said not a good Idea.

We finished the game and my team won. Of corse💪. When we got inside I got in the shower and soon enough Taylor joined me. he started Washing my hair. when we got out I just put on some sweats and a tank top. then I got into bed with Taylor. "so I think that tomorrow we should got to the city and just spend the day there like we can go shopping then go her ice cream and then got to the beach then we can go see a movie or something" Taylor said "ok" I say and fall asleep.

😊Deana pov😝

Don't know why bit Jaz forgave Jesi. I walked into Luke's room and saw that he was sitting on the bed with Jesi. "hey Jesi can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask walking into the room. she nods and walks out the door. "so why did Jaz forgive you so soon?" I asked crossing my arms. she explained the whole thing and I was shocked. Jesi seemed really nice I never really got to know her that well because when I first moved to my primary school Jaz and Jesi weren't friends so I never talked to Jesi.

I went to bed and soon Austin joined me. "have you started thinking about the wedding yet?" Austin asked. "nah I was thinking that we could wait until after Jaz and Taylor's wedding so that they aren't to close together" I say and he nods. we talk for a bit then we go to sleep.

Hey guys short chapter👡. sorry for the spelling mistakes and stuff but yeah... bye xoxoxo

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