|| What did you Do ||

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It's been two days since the whole Harry thing. I've learned to manage without him being in my life since there's a possibility that will happen.

Currently, all of the classes are stuffed in the gym, since we're having an assembly for the first soccer game of the season. All the players are down there, including Harry. I hate to admit it, but he looks so damn hot in his uniform.

I'm standing by the gym door with Channel who has basically become like my best friend (not before Gavin obviously). I've known her since the third grade but we never really hung out until recently. Now we get along so well and even more since the Harry thing.

"Now Vikings, give it up for your senior class president and student council presidents, Melody White and Channel Jones!" Miss B says and everyone claps

We walk to the mic and smile at the crowd. I hug Miss B and lift the mic stand.

"Hi everyone I'm Melody White for those of you who don't know, I am the senior class president and a student council president." I say and all the seniors cheer

"I'm Channel Jones your other student council president and the coolest person you will ever meet, besides her," Channel says stepping in front of the mic, also getting cheers

"So I won't keep you guys long because let's face it, these bleachers are ridiculously uncomfortable. We just want to give everyone a heads up that the student council has finally figured out everything for our homecoming dance." I say and everyone cheers

"The dance will be October 17th, which is two weeks from now from 8-11, tickets are $15 at the door or you can order them online. Get them before they sell out, Melody and I will be there but tonight we will be supporting our Vikings. Hope to see everyone there." Channel says and everyone clap

We walk off and go back to standing by the gym doors. The assembly continues and after thirty more minutes, we are dismissed to leave. Channel and I left the gym to walk down the hallway, making our way to our lockers.

"Can you pick me for the game tonight? My car's in the shop." She asks and I look at her

"I'm not going."

"What do you mean you're not going?" She asks

"I'm not going. Seeing Harry won't help our situation." I say opening my locker

"But it's the first game of the season and we just told the whole school that we're going to be there." She says leaning on the locker next to me

"No, you said that we'd be there, I didn't say a thing."

"Fine, at least come to the party after, it's at Derek's." She says

"I'll think about it, I really just want to go home and watch Netflix movies." I said

I notice Harry walking over and I quickly shut my locker, walking away.

"Okay Bye!" She says as I make my way to the front of the school

I walk out and make my way to my jeep. Once I get in, I throw my bag into the passenger's seat and huff before hitting my head on my steering wheel. After a few seconds, there's a knock on my window.

I look up to see Zayn, standing at my window like a weirdo. I couldn't help but laugh as I roll the window down.

"There's that beautiful laugh." He says and I roll my eyes

"I heard from a little birdy that you aren't going to the game or the party afterward" He adds

"You are correct." I say starting my Jeep

"But it's the first game, of like the whole season." He says

"Yea and we all know they're good & they're gonna win. I don't need to be there, it'll be all over Instagram." I say plugging my phone in

"Why are you such a party pooper? You can't let this whole Harry thing bring you down." He says

"I can and I will," I say rolling up my window

He steps back as I do that, but honestly, I'm over it. He walks off and I pull out of my parking spot. I head home and think about all the shows I'm gonna binge on Netflix.


It's about 10:30 and I'm watching or I guess rewatching the first season of American Horror Story on Netflix. I'm waiting for my postmates with my chipotle. When I want to lay in bed all day, I will.

The part where Violet finds out that Tate shot up his school continues, when my phone starts buzzing, like a lot. The notification sound goes off, like consistently, for at least two minutes.

I wait until it stops to see what's going on. I unlock my phone to see there are numerous messages but mainly a ton of Instagram notifications, apparently I was tagged in something a lot of times. I click on the IG notification to find that it's a video.

After a few seconds, the video finally loads and I notice it's from the soccer game. Why is everyone tagging me in this? I continue to watch the video waiting for something to happen. Finally, after some time, and I know why I was tagged in it.

Harry had just kicked the game-winning goal and everyone cheers. Suddenly, on the jumbo screen, there's a picture of him and I. I sit up and pay close attention to what's happening.

"What did you do Harry?" I say aloud

He's handed a microphone and everyone, including myself, watches & listens closely to whatever he's about to say.

"Hi everyone, thanks for coming out to support us tonight, it's good to be out here playing again." He says and everyone cheers

"I don't wanna be long but there's something I gotta do."

"You see that girl right there." He says pointing at the screen "I want to take her to homecoming."

Everyone cheers and I couldn't help but smile.

"She's not here tonight but that's my own fault. I have to make things right between us because I want her in my life. So Melody, if you can find some room in that big beautiful heart of yours to let me take you to homecoming and make things right, there's a party tonight at Derek's to celebrate our victory." He says and everyone cheers

"Come find me before midnight so I can do this properly." He says

The video ends and starts over again. I look at the time to see that it's 10:00. I look at my other notifications.


zaynie boy🙊 - I told you he was smart


caleb❤️- so you and Harry huh?

dani💋 - You and Harry are so cute, pls tell me you're coming

Are you.....crying?

No, my eyes are just sweating.


I wipe the tear away from my eye and smile. I can't believe watching all those romance movies paid off.

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