Chapter 3

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My first 4 classes went well and it’s time for lunch. I head to the cafeteria and wait for my friends at the usual table that we have been sitting for almost 4 years. As I wait I start to get curious at whattammy had to say to me about what happened near Billy’s Stationery. When she said that snetence her eyes went wide as if she was thinking about it. I really couldn’t believe Tammy’s expression because it’s Tammy and she’s know as the most disgusting slut in school. She cheats  on her boyfriend and..

“What are you doing here” Jenna’s voice distracts my thoughts.

“Well i guess waiting for you guys to show up” I snap.

“Yeah Okk..but why here?” A confused face on  her face.

“Maybe because this is the table where we have been sitting for almost 4 yearas” I snap.

“Well not anymore...This is the loser table-area. We are sitting at the cool table area, know come on.”

“Seriously ... Loser areas and col areas??!! You people act like 13 year olds. It’s a freakin table.”    

I’m  soo annoyed but before she can say anything I stand up and follow hear to the ‘cool table’.

I’m really curios to ask about something..well about Harry actually.

“That new dude Harry that everyone has been obssesing about, he goes to the other school, not here right?” She looks at me with an angry expresiion covering her face. Angry? Before I let her repl I intrude to ask, “Did I say something wrong?”

“How do you know he’s name?” I start to panic because I’m not telling anyone about this morning, after all nothing news worthy happened. If I tell anyone, the day after I would  hear rumours of me and him going to Vegas , getting married as soon as possible because I’m having a baby..thattype of gossip goes round hear.

“Well...I ...just.... heard someone inclass talking about him and they said his name. Why are you so surprised?”

“Ow..nothing” She says low and soft bearly able to nhear her. “He goes th the other school” she changes the subject “but if he’s having lunch he should be here because their school’s cafeteria is being reconstructed. Basically our principal agred to their principal in having his students here for lunch”

She bearly finishes the sentence, Harry walks through the door with his gang. And again I can’t stop staring at his gorgeous face. Luckily, Ilooked away before he notices me and I literally grabed a hold of Jenna’s arm and walk to the table where I find my friends staring at him. A few minutes pass and Harry & Co. Set down at the same table where I was before Jenna came to get me. So harry is sitting at the ‘losers table-area’.

My breathing has stopped as Harry catches me looking at him. OMG...damn it.

“I need to use the ladies room....Be right back” I say hesitating . I stand up from the table before hearing what I didn’t want to here.

“Ellie...Wait up!!” Tammy yells. I stop and look at her furiously cause I really don’t want to bring attention to myself” Do you want me to come with you?”

“No” I snap “It’s fine really..Thankyou anyways” I say a bit more sweeter. Sh leaves my side back to the table and I rush to the toilets with no toughts to see if Harry noticed me leaving the table. I breath heavely as I approach the sink andrest my hands there.

I don’t care know why I paniced so much... It’s not like I lik ehim or somethin. I look at the mirrior in front of me and stare at it and a few seconds later I cover my face with my hands. I here the door open and I don’t even bother to look up... It could even be one of my friends.

“Wait..This is the ladies room”

Harry’s voice is sarcastic “wrong door” he says moving towards me.

I panic again and decide to leave the ladies room but like this morning Harry doesn’t approve of me leaving. “Your not going anywhere” He says very sweetly with his eyes twinkling like little stars. I feel something....a feeling in my stomach..OMG he’s hot as he decides to move towards an closes the gap between our  bodies.

“Can you like move” I snap angrily.

“You don’t like me ?” He  asks sarcasticly  again in a sad tone.

I try to push past him but it looks like it’s not my day.

“Ok, look, can I just know why you don’t want to talk to me. I just really want to talk, can we ? I don’t intend on hurting you it’s just talking !”H eactually sounds serious and offeneded this time and he’s kind of right..Wait no his not..he just scared the hell out of me this morning..nut he said that he wanted to talk to me out of all...

“Earth to Ellie...Hellooo,still there?” he asks with a small smile on his face.

“Emm..I just don’t know what to say” I’m really confused..I mean he really didn’t do anything to  me, exactly. “Yeah sure we can talk” I just blurted that out with out any thought.

“Great, can we meet somewhere after school?...caus’ I’m sure everyone will be gossiping and jumping to conclusions if they see us together!”

“That’s a true statement..Okay than I guess so”

“It happened to me once and people never new the thruth of my side of story..I’ll tell you all about it. Okay than we meet  at 7:00 near Billy’s than?”

“Ok”My mind is cloudy and blurry. I don’t even know what I’m saying.

“Cu Ell” He catches me off guard when he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

“Bye” He leaves the room and I’m..erm....What the hell just happened??! 


Heyy guyzzz xx I'll be uploading next weekend plssss Follow, Read ,Comment and Vote xxx Thx xxx Love you xx Hoped you liked this chapter xxx (BTW: 1 Chapter left for some hot stuff to happen ;) )

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