Chapter 11

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The bell rings and I ran out the janitor's closet before anyone notices. As I get home I run up the stairs as I have no time for Jerry's stupid comments.

It's 6:45 p.m. as I hear my phone ringing.

"Hello ?"

"You ready?" It's Harry. "I'm here"

"Yeah..I'll be right down."

I end the call, grab my bag and down the stairs. Jerry isn't in my way so luckily there won't be any drama as usual.

I find Harry , as I open the front door ,opening the car door for me. He's such a gentleman.

"Hi" I say surely looking too excitied to see him.

"Hello Darling....You look fancy this evening" Maybe I'm blushing now.

"Thankyou.." I manage to squeak.

He also steps in the car as there is a moment of silence.

"Shall we go ms ?"

"We Shall..Sir"

He starts the engine and it's quite a long drive to the venue. It was pretty much awkward silence in the car but both of us didn't mind.

"Yes , thanks...again"

"This restaurant is so beautiful. I've heard it has the best Italian food in town."

"It's amazing...I've never been to a restaurant like this before"


"Never. We could bearly afford turkey on Thanks Giving"

We both look at our menus and both order Pizza.



"I know it's not really my buisness but can I know what happened last Tuesday?"

"It's nothing really. Stuff that I'm used to."

"So that had happened more than once"

I was to embarrased to speak so I nodded.

"For how long has this been going on?"

"Well , practically when he moved in like 2 years again."

"Does your mum know?"


"Didn't you ever tell her?"

"I tried she just started yelling and that's basically it"

"Well... I know we don't know each other that much but I can't let him do something like this to you. If you want.....If you want you can just come and stay in my apartment. I have seprate rooms don't worry."

I know he is just being nice and actually means good to keep me away from him, but I bearly know the boy and I'm not just going to go and live with him. Although I wouldn't mind but...

"I know you mean to protect me but I don't think it's a good idea but thanks. I just have to try and stay away from him as much as I can."

"I understand. Sorry for asking I just can't let him do this to you. If you change you mind just tell me. Your welcomed any time."

"Thanks Harry. I really appreciate it."

"I'm serious ok....Promise ?"

"I promise Harry. Thanks. It's great to know that someone cares"

The food arrives a moment later and Harry never fails to make me laugh while we where a bit tips from the 2 bottles of wine we shared.

Harry insisted to pay the bill and I didn't have the energy to argue against it..he was less tipsy than I was. I can bearly touch a drink not a few minutes later I end up already drunk.

At 11:00 we arrive at his place and I feel much better.

"Your one of those who ends up dancing in the middle of a road after one tray of vodka aren't you ?" He


"I wouldn't say dancing but yeah Ican bearly drink anything that after a minute want make me lose it."

"Remind me to keep you away from any drinks k ?"

"Yeah well I'm not the one who missed school today because I got an insane hangover" I say laughing.

"Well I'm able to atleast hold on to a few drinks before I get completly drunk."

"How much did you drink to get a hangover ?"

"Probably 3 bottles of vodka...or more. I don't know..Don't remember really."

"Harry! Are you insane? 3 bottles of vodka. All of that because?"

"Because of what? I drink for the effect. It just lightens do mood"

"It's getting kind of late. I should probably get going."

"It's late and we both need some sleep."

"You should probably stay here for today. It's not exactly safe at this late in the neighbourhood."


"Trust me you'd rather stay here tonight.

"I don't think it approriate Harry. I'd rather get home."

I bearly finished the sentence. He jumps from the couch and locks the front door.

"I have a spare room you can just stay there. Your not going anywhere."

"Ok boss."

He leads me to the room. Kisses me goodbye and closes the door behind him.

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