Chapter 8

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School passed quickly. I hadn't seen Harry during lunch. So I stood alone eating at a table in the back of the cafeteria as I read my book.

As I head to my room ,I open my closet to decided what I'm going to wear tonight. I wasn't given any details so I had no idea what I was going to put on. After half an hour I decided on black stripped dress at a half tigh length, jean jacket and jean Vans.

I head to shower,put on some make-up, do my hair and dress up. As I'm finished I head down stairs as it is only 18:30. I pull my self a glass of water as the sight of Jerry appears at the corner of my eyes. I bulk down the water and ignore him as he approaches me. This should be good!

"Where do you think your going little girl?" He asks, his irritant voice makes me want to punch him.

"None of your buisness old man" I snap back.

"Don't be like that sweety pie or you'll regret it"He smiles devilishly and I want to kill him with my own eyes."Know your mother is not here so we have the house to ourselfs and I think that tonight is the night know" He winks at me and I'm disgusted as I grab my purses off the counter and hurry to the door. But I'm to slow for his hand reaching my arm.

"No no no...There's no way your runing tonight honey" I try hard to push him away but he reaches his lips to mine and kisses me. I feel like throwing up as there is no escape. I wish my mother was here , he surely wouldn't do this. As he stops kissing me I try to run away but that's not my decision. He drags me to the sofa as we both fall on it ,him on top of me. I start to yell but my luck isn't helping me.

"You can yell all you want. No one is around or near and your mother won't be here until tenish."

He lifts my dress up and pulls my pants down. Now I'm fully exposed from my hips and down. He unbuckles his belt and I start to scream louder.

" If you don't shut your mouth this is what you'll have marked on your skin" He points to the belt. I stop sceaming for a bit but start again when he tries to enter me. He pulls the belt back to his grip as he starts hitting me on my stomach and face. I can't stop yelling as pain crosses all over my body.

As he contiues I hear a loud bang on the door and Jerry stops hitting me.

"Go away you idiot..Who the hell do you think you are?!!" Jerry yells.

I'm still screaming and crying for Jerry to leave me alone. As I turn around to find who is now approaching us it is Harry.

He starts punching Jerry as he drags him off of me. "You fucking asshole..Fuuck you you mother fucker." Harry yells in his face as he is still punching him and Jerry is also fighting back quite hard. I stand up and dress my self back as I move ."

"Noo...Stopp. Harry?!"

He ignores me as I watch his face that is red cover in blood and his eyes gazed in anger. They are both fighting hard as Jerry punches Harry in the face.

"Leave him you twit" I yell to Jerry as I try to intrude in the fight back Harry manages one hand to push me back.

Harry gives him one last hard punch in the face as Jerry falls on the floor holding his face in pain. "Don't you dare touch her again or you'll pay harder you fucking mother fucker hole of a bitches ass." Harry yells as he grips my hand and pushes me out of the door.

He leads me to the passenger door of his car and opens the door for me and sits me carefully.

"Are you okay?What did he do?Was he able to...? Your face is marked..he hit you. Motherfucker Bitch of an asshole" he starts to yell. He stands up to go back in the house but I stop him.

"Harry..just come in the car. Your hurt too. Just please come in here."

He closes the car door as he runs to the drivers seat and closes the door behind him."I'm soo sorry. Are you okay? Your face is red.Did he.."

I put my finger on his lips to stop him from talking.

"Harry it's not your don't have to be sorry. And no he didn't but if you wouldn't have appeared at that moment he would have. You saved me Harry."

I remove my finger from his mouth."But your you need to go to the hospital or something?"

"Harry it's ok.I'm ok" I lie. "Your hurt your face is full of blood." I can't hold back my tears as I watch his beautiful face covered in blood.

"Stop worry about me. He was about to rap you and your concerned about me?! You sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" I nod and smile a bit. "Lets head to my place" I nod again.

No words are spoken in a short ride of 10 minutes to his apartment. He hurries out of the car as he runs to open my car door. He doesn't let me stand as he wraps one arm round my back and the other behind my legs as he lifts me up. I don't protest as I feel dizzy and sure not able to stand.

He puts me carefully on his couch as we enter his apartment and he walks out of the living room. He returns back with a couple of stuff. He sits me on the sofa as he presses a glass of water to my mouth. He is so adorable being so concerned. He hands me a wet cloth to my face as he softly pats the marks. I take the cloth in my hand and start to clean his face from blood. "You need this more than me" I smile softly as he also does.

"Your under shock. Let me take care of you."

"I'm fine Harry. You saved me and I'm fine. I'm really sorry you got hurt because of me. Jerry is a bit ... rough."

"Don't be sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there a bit earlier."He looks down as sadness crosses his face.

I lift his chin up so he can look at me. "Harry, Its not your fault. He has been like this since he first met my mum. I can't say I'm not greatful you where there to stop it but I'm so sorry he hurt yo.."

He doesn't let me finish my sentence as he kisses me softly.

As he pulls back he has a smile on his face and I smile back. "Than let's stop being sorry for each other or we'll go on for ever." I giggle a bit as I start to wipe his face again.


Hii xxx Pleasee please please comment and vote. I really need your support. Give me twitter names so I can follow you and who ever comments gets a follow xxxx Love you xxx

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