Circus Boy

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Everyday, the boy woke up before the sun. He walked 15 miles along an abandoned dirt road, always able to watch light flood over the horizon as he tiredly dragged his feet. He'd keep his mind foggy until he heard faint music coming from down the path.

The circus.

The ringmaster would sneer wickedly as he harshly smacked the frail boy on the back, preparing him for another day of labor.

The boy scrubbed the horse stables, cringing as the smelled of their waste wafted up his nose. He would always give the horses sympathy though. His eyes always fixated on the gashes and cuts the creatures suffered. The ringmaster gave no mercy to any of his workers, animals included.

Along with many other various jobs, he always left the circus exhausted. His dark eyes would feign joy as the little girls and boys left for the day. Yet the real highlight of his day was always her...

The mime.

She would stand next to the pinball machine, silently waiting for him with a small smile on her pale face. Her whole being was almost translucent, somedays he wondered if she even exsisted.

Although, her timidity was almost as constant as her beauty. As soon as he would go near her, she would flee. This never stopped him from following her, he was aware that she wanted him to come along.

Whenever they would walk together, the boy made sure to keep his distance. He learned to love her from afar. He picked lillies for her while he walked, always loving the look of surprise on her face when she noticed.

Usually after an hour, she would stop at a cliff, and so would he. They would look over at the bright lights the city below created. Yet most of the time, his eyes would wander to her face. He's never had anyone to tell him what love felt like, but he was sure what he felt was definitely it.

One night, they took a different path. Instead of the dark forest, she led him on a paved stone path. Even though the boy was confused, he was certain he would follow her to the ends of the earth. So keeping his eyes on her glowing silhouette, he did not question her.

The stones on the ground began to lessen the farther they went, until eventually they were on a dirt road. Recognizing the path, he immediately looked for his small hut. No matter what direction he looked, he could not see his house.

His calloused hands tightly gripped the lillies as he opened his mouth to speak. Before he could even talk, the mime turned around. The boy scanned the area, noticing that they were in a graveyard.

She approached him slowly, her figure swaying like a branch in the wind. The boy could feel his heart beating hard in his chest. She ghosted her slender fingers over his face, silent as always. This was his first time truly seeing her face up close. She had a button nose and sunken cheeks, her lips were constantly curled up in a small barely there smile. The most captivating part about her though, was her eyes.

Her eyes were dark like his, only in a completely different way. They were black like coal, yet they were the warmest things he'd ever seen.

Walking away from him, the flowers now in her possession, she kneeled down to a particular tombstone and set the lillies down on the cool soil. She turned back around, a sparkle he had never seen before in her eyes.

"Thank you, circus boy."

Then with a small gust of wind, she wisped away into thin air, leaving him.

Yet he didn't feel alone.

Yikes! How was that? Was it bad?? Probably. But ah well too late now I guess. This was fun though! Once again, I'll update tomorrow! Have a good evening bunnies! :)

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