Latte Love

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The clouds darkened into a dull grey and a loud rumble could be heard from above.

"Oh no," The young lady muttered to herself, looking up at the sky. "I just finished drawing these! They can't get wet!"

She had an assignment due tomorrow for her professor. It was to draw what made you truly happy. Yet ever since she started college, she didn't feel all that joyful. There were smiles here or there, empty giggles at a dumb show. None of it felt real though, she can't remember the last time she laughed and actually felt happy.

Sora thought that going to the university of her dreams would be amazing, but so far the experience was just like the sky, gloomy and dark.

She sighed as a clap of lightning pierced the heavens above. Then slowly, glimmering drops of rain began to fall, decorating her hair with dewdrops. The rain soaked her exposed sketches and Sora looked on sadly as the papers wilted in her hand, sticking to her skin.

"It's not like they were good anyway," she laughed sarcastically, deciding to just drop them. They plopped on the concrete, sitting in a pile.

The rain persisted and the soft raindrops became a chaotic torrent of pellets. Knowing that the bus she usually took would need a detour, Sora ran in the nearest building she saw.

The bell that sat on top of the glass door jingled as she jogged in. Her clothes felt glued to her skin and every step she took felt like she was walking in a swamp. Her curly hair was matted and stuck to the back of her neck.

Scanning the random building she walked in, she realized that it was a coffee shop. It was a quaint little shop, Sora guessed it could only fit fifteen to twenty people inside at a time. The shop had a few customers, they all stared at her. Her face went red and she hurriedly walked to the counter, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

The counter didn't have anyone at the moment. She looked around, she really needed a towel or something. Sora didn't want to sit down, she might get the seat wet with her clothes. So she stood there, waiting impatiently for someone to show up.

Five minutes passed and she thought about just leaving, her pride already in tatters.

"Hi, may I help you?" A voice asked behind her.

Sora whipped around at the person and nearly slipped. It was a guy who was only a bit taller than her and had curly brown hair similar to her own. She squeaked in surprise and her face flushed for the second time that day.

"Uh...hi. Sorry if I'm loitering or something, I just need a towel." She explained nervously. Just her luck to encounter a cute guy while looking like a disaster. The boy smiled and then spoke.

"Yeah, it was raining pretty hard out there. C'mon, I got towels in the back."

Sora followed him with butterflies in her stomach. She's never met someone who elicited such feelings inside of her.

"So what's your name?" She questioned, trying to start a conversation.

"My name's Daniel, but just call me Danny, I guess." He answered, still walking.

He then opened the closet and began looking around for a towel. Serenity stood there awkwardly, staring the back of his head. Danny then spoke again, startling her.

"Well since you know my name, I think it's only fair that I know yours." His voice muffled through the small closet. The girl hummed in response.

"Well my name is classified. Sorry dude." She joked, smiling when he turned around with a towel in his hands.

"Is that so? Well I guess I'll just have to get your number to find out later." Danny replied, throwing the fluffy towel over her head.

"Fine, I'll tell you. It's Sora." She laughed as she began to dry herself off.

"Pretty name," He said walking her out of the room. "I'm still probably gonna need your number though."

Sora's breath hitched and she turned to face him. His eyes widened with worry and he started to panic.

"T-that is if you want to. I'm not forcing you or anything. S-sorry if that came off as creepy."

She started to giggle silently, which then turned into a burst of laughter. The feeling went to her stomach, and her soul felt as though it was breathing for the first time in a long time. Her laughter died down and she slipped him her number, patting him on the shoulder.

"You're cute," Sora grinned, walking out of the shop.

The sky was clearing up and the sun peeked out through the clouds, warming her face.

She definitely knew who she would draw for her assignment.

Told you guys the next one would be longer! I had a lot of fun writing this. I know the coffee romance is really cliche and cheesy but I did it for the...
💖A E S T H E T I C💖

See you bunnies!!

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