Wicked Wonderlust

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Bang Bang Bang!

The sound echoed through the halls, sending the boy into a shivering fit.

"Open the door! I just wanna talk with you, sweetie!" The other man yelled from the other side, still banging on the door.

"Leave me alone, Christian! Please don't hurt me!" The small teen sobbed. He hugged his knees to his chest, his back pressed against the locked door.
Even though he couldn't see him, the boy could hear the twisted smile growing on Christian's face.

"My love, you know I would never hurt you...unless you deserved it." Christian whispered. "Now open the door, Dilly."

"N-no! Please just get away from me! Go away! Please go away! Go!" Dylan cried desperately, shaking wildly.

Christian had an infatuation with Dylan. It was insane, unstable. He would stalk the boy from a distance for hours on end. He knew everything about him, his body, his information, even his biggest secret. So when he found out that Dylan's family was moving out of the country in a few days, Christian did the only thing he thought was right.

Kill Dylan's entire family.

If his family was gone, Dylan would be able to stay with him.


In the middle of the night, he slaughtered Dylan's mother, father, and older sister. Even his youngest brother, who was three years old. When Dylan got home to see the bloodbath, he didn't even have time to think before being chased by the lovesick stalker. He hid in his room with the door locked tightly, questioning his sanity.

"Come out, Dilly. It's just us now."

"You're sick! I'm calling the police and you'll--"

Dylan's sentence was interrupted by the insane giggles of his stalker.

"Oh babe, I cut all the wires and your cell is out here with me. You wanna come and get it?" Christian asked, pleased by the whimpers coming from the other side of the door.

"Let me go!" The smaller boy yelled, struggling to breathe through his tears.

"You're the one who locked yourself in there, honey."

They both stayed silent, the only sound in the house was Dylan's light sniffles.
Then Dylan naively stood up and pressed his ear to the door, listening for any signs of Christian. Cracking the door open slightly, he looked out into darkness. A pair of hands then locked around him, squeezing him tight.

"Dilly! I knew you would finally be a good boy for me!"

Kicking and thrashing, Dylan tried his best to get out of his grip. But it was no use, Christian was too strong to get away from. Leaning down and whispering in Dylan's ear, he said, "Do you remember me? From our third math period? I sit in the back of you, I like smelling your hair, I know you use Dove shampoo."

"Don't kill me! I swear I'll do whatever you want!" Dylan pleaded.

Christian's eyebrows raised in interest. "Anything? Oh Dilly."

Immediately regretting his choice of words, he tried to think of a plan. An idea began to form and it made him nauseous, but it was his way to make it out of this house alive.

"If you let me go...I'll...I'll...kiss you." Dylan squeaked out.

Christian hummed in thought, still keeping a vice grip on the boy.

"Deal. Ok Dilly, pucker up." He said, grabbing Dylan's face not so gently and pressing his lips against his.

Dylan almost threw up, repulsed at how much Christian was enjoying it. It was the price to pay to keep his life, so it was definitely worth it.

Noticing Dylan's behaviour, Christian pulled away. Sneering, he said, "Like you're not into guys, Dilly."

Not missing a beat, Dylan shot back, "I'm only into attractive guys, so don't get your hopes up."

Suddenly very angry, Christian pushed Dylan to the ground, pulling out his knife that was still stained with the blood of Dylan's family.

Dylan pulled himself up and dashed for the front door, knowing Christian wasn't too far behind.

He was mostly focused on running like his life depended on it (which it actually did) but he made sure to grab one thing before going out.

His dad's shovel.

Running out into the night, tears flooded his eyes, finally realizing fully that his family was dead. It was all because of that...that...monster.

He had a choice. Either accept death along with his family, or fight until his last ounce of strength was gone.

Dylan chose the latter.

He swiftly turned around, colliding the shovel with Christian's face. With a low grunt, he fell to the ground, a gash now on his forehead.

Something took over Dylan that night, something primal. He brought the shovel over Christian's head, over and over. Christian had stopped moving a long time ago, but he didn't stop. By the time Dylan was done, Christian's face was unidentifiable.

Dropping the shovel, Dylan lied on the ground, pressing his face to the cool grass. He let out a wail of despair, it traveled through the neighborhood, disturbing the birds, sending them flying off into the distance.

He tried to push himself off of the ground, but flopped back weakly.

He never tried to get up after that.

I did it! But tbh I felt like this one kinda sucked. Hopefully you liked it though! This was actually requested by RereSquad. I hope this story is what you were looking for! Have a beautiful night my bunnies (^///^)/

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