A note for my cat Ari

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The first time I saw you, I thought you were a little scary. Staring back at me with those bright green eyes, I already knew you held secrets.

You were fearful, pupils dilated and flicking between me and the door. I was hesitant to touch you, afraid that you would bite.

But then I brushed the tips of ny fingers along your head, you didn't back away. You looked at me, unsure. From that day forward, I promised you I would never let you feel scared.

We brought in the house and you stayed in the box for two weeks, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom.

I stayed there for as long as I could, begging you to trust me. I could tell that you were starved of affection, but you'd rather go hungry than get hurt again.

After a while, you finally opened up, spilling your secrets I longed for. I learned that you like to have the top of your head pat, and that bacon is your favorite treat. But the most important secret you told me is that you were willing to love me as long as I did the same for you.

Sometimes you still have that fear in your eyes, it'll take awhile for that wound to heal.

I'm willing to wait a lifetime.

Love you Ari! She was actually came from a household that neglected her so that's the reason why she's so skittish. But I love her to pieces! In case you were wondering what she looks like, here she is...

Bye bunnies ♡

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