Part 1

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 Yaaaaaaaaawn. It's so boooooooring in math class.I stretch out, only to fall over in my own goddamn fucking chair. I hit my head, so it hurts: like a bitch. "Oh no! Are you okay?" the cute girl sitting next to me asks. "Other than the fact that I'm dead inside, we good homie." I say. "Well that's... acceptable?" she responds. She helps me up and back into my chair, then hugs me for a few seconds. As a tsundere, I try my best to hide my blush, but I ultimately fail. "Th-thanks, Sayori," I grumbled. She smiles at me, and then we return to the lecture. I guess nobody noticed the event in its entirety; that or they didn't care. "So basically just remember to do your review so you don't get sodomized by the test next week," the Math Professor concludes. Sayori and I pack our respective bags and head out of the classroom. I walk up to a nearby vending machine and put 100 yen into it to get a melon ramune. However, Sayori suddenly runs up out of nowhere and snatches it up, drinking it immediately. I stutter and incredulously gesture to her. "What? My tummy was making noises, and your ramune was an obvious remedy," she innocuously explains. "Dude, it's soda..." I reply. "So, what's the issue?" she asks. "You know what? Never mind." I conclude. She gives me one of her puzzled looks again before she tosses the bottle in a recycle bin. She then puts 100 yen in the vending machine and grabs a melon ramune, giving it to me. "Oh, sweet! Thanks!" I say, placated immediately. Sayori smiles sweetly at me. Startled by her stomach rumbling abruptly, she jolts with open eyes. She looks at me, mildly embarrassed. "Should we, uh... grab some food?" I offer. She nods, holding her belly. "Alrighty. Will Big Bang Burger suit your needs?" "That sounds amazing right now!" she agrees, cheerfully jumping up and down. We begin our journey to Big Bang Burger, which doesn't take too long since everything is nearby in this Japanese neighborhood. When we get there, however, we are greeted with a horror of cosmic proportions: there's a goddamn line out the door! In a fast food restaurant?! Unbefuckinglievable! "Big Bang Burger! More like Big Bang Bullshit!" I shout. "Oh no!" Sayori interjects. I think for a moment. "Well, what else is nearby again?" Sayori strokes her chin as she thinks. "Oh, I know! Let's go to my place! I'll make some curry!" "O-okay! Should I make a run to my place to grab some games?" I inquire. She smiles. "You don't have to. I have a lot of games at my house we can play." Before we can go, a poised girl approaches us. "Sayori? Yuusha too? I didn't expect to see you here, let alone together," she introduces herself with. "Same goes for you—never pegged you for the fast-food type," I retort. She chuckles softly. "It's convenient, so I don't see why not." Before the conversation goes on any longer, Sayori grabs hold of my hand. "Well, Yuusha and I were just leaving. It was nice running into you, Yuri..." she states. Yuri stares at us. "I see. Well, Yuusha, I'll see you Monda—" Without delay, Sayori tightens her grip on me and races towards the general direction of her house. Within minutes, it is in sight. We're only a few feet away from the house now, but... she's not slowing down? "Sayori, aren't you going to—" As a result of her failure to slow down, she smacks face first into her front door and falls to the ground, pulling me with her. "Owiiiiiiie..." she moans. "Be more careful dammit!" I snap. She groans. "...I'm sorry..." "No, it's—are you okay?" I confirm. "Mhmm!" she replies instantly, with uncanny renewal. She pulls me to my feet and unlocks the door while she shoves me in. We kick our shoes off and then step up into the main area. Again, without warning, she grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen at breakneck speeds. Her socks slip on the shiny wood floor, and we tumble to the ground again. "So I guess we're just going to not be more careful..." I wince. Sayori let out a frustrated and defeated cry. Taking advantage of our grounded state, I snuggle up to her. She seemed to have been expecting this, as she wraps her arms around me without missing a beat. If anyone was startled, it was me. Startled, but pleased. We share a moment to enjoy each other's warmth as we nuzzle even more. She stares amorously into my eyes as she strokes my face, and then she gets up and pulls me to my feet as well. "Ow, my head!" I wince. Sayori quickly leans in to kiss where I bumped my head. "Wait, what the f—" I verify. She responds with her signature, innocent smile, slightly tilting her head. "W-well, uuuhhmmm," I stutter and clear my throat. "Why don't we start that curry? What all do you need?" "Just grab the carrots and beef from the fridge, I have everything else covered," she responds. I nod and find the listed ingredients, then return to her. Already she has started the rice, as well as chopping up onions and sautéing them. She then grabs the carrots from me and slams them onto the cutting board along with potatoes she had already skinned. She chops them with unbelievable skill and speed, then dumps them into the pot with the onions. After a little bit of meat seasoning and roux making, she leads me into the dining room and places a bowl of curry rice in front of my seat. She hugs me firmly from behind, before taking a seat next to me. "Itadakimaaaaaaaasu!" we shout. Sayori inhales her curry, whereas I take exponentially more time to finish mine. I honestly feel somewhat threatened, since I consider myself to be a pretty big foodie. Sayori gets up to grab us melon ramunes, but she stops halfway to the table. "Actually, why don't we go up to my room?" she offers. "I, uh—ahem, is that okay?" She chuckles in response. "Of course it is! It's not like you haven't been up there before," she reminds me. "Well yeah, I just... never mind," I concede. She then continues her trend of grabbing me and leading me to our destination. This time we just leisurely walk up the stairs, as one does; a nice period of respite from her usual barrelling into an area and sharing the consequences with me. She lets go of me once we arrive, and then she walks over to her laptop, setting the drinks down on the desk. I sit down on her bed to watch her do her thing. "Hm? Oh no!" she exclaims. "What's up?" "The WoW servers are down!" "Ah... well, there are other things, right?" Sayori looks at me and pouts. Immediately her eyes light up and her mood takes a complete 180. "Yeah, you're right," she agrees. She closes WoW and gets up from her seat. She stretches out, lifting her shirt just enough to reveal her belly button; like the rising sun over the horizon, it peeks out above the rim of her shorts. Much more beautiful than a sunrise, might I add. I lean in towards her, my face level with her navel. "Hm? What are you doing?" she inquires, confused, but intrigued. I begin unbuttoning and unzipping her shorts, and lifting up her shirt a bit more. Sayori grabs her shirt and pulls it all the way off. "S-so, what now?" she asks. I stick my tongue inside her belly button! Swirling it around vigorously like I would a delicious lollipop. I'll take this over a lollipop any day though. She lets out a long, enraptured moan, gently pushing my head firmly into her belly. She's so warm... I stroke her hips up and down a few times, and then I wrap my arms around her. My embrace tightens as I throw her onto the bed, causing a minor bounce. Taking a small break from licking her belly button, I stare up at her. She's blushing, and I know I am too. "Yuusha?" "Y-yeah...?" "I love you so much..." she croons. I stammer for a moment, then instinctively nuzzle my face back into her belly and firmly embrace her. "Yeah... I love you too," I respond. I rise up more to be more level with her, and she returns my embrace. We stare into each other's eyes for a long while, enjoying mutual company and warmth once again. She rolls over to her other side, causing us to spoon. I rub her full tummy for a few minutes, and then we slowly drift off to sleep. After what I feel is a few hours, I gradually begin to rouse. "Yuusha..." Sayori moans. "...Hm? What's up?" I ask. "Look at me," she requests. I fully open my eyes to see that her face is point-blank to mine. She closes the practically nonexistent gap and kisses me. She shoves her tongue down my throat, and I willingly submit. Soon enough, I fire back; our tongues slither and flop past each other like salmon in a roaring stream. We stop, slowly releasing, and smile at each other. Sayori giggles. "Mmmm... can I expect that more often?" she asks. I stammer as I fail to find words, and finally let out a quick "yeh". Sayori strokes my face lovingly, then gets out of bed. She grabs the unopened ramunes from her desk and gets back in bed, setting them down on a pillow. She sprawls out, taking up most of the bed. Capitalizing on her open state, I gently trace the rim of her navel. "Hmhm, that tickles," she giggles. I stop for a moment as she grabs the ramunes again, handing me one. Before I can even unwrap mine, I hear the ball in her bottle plop down. Fizz from the soda erupts forth from the bottle like hellfire from the deepest pits of Tartarus, getting all over her breasts and pooling into her belly button. I really didn't foresee that... "Oh no..." she sighs. "Should I... clean you up?" I inquire. Sayori giggles approvingly. I descend once more, licking around her bra in a dilatory manner. She tenses slightly and lets out a pleasured sigh. After finishing on her chest, I kiss her abs as I go down to her navel. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I probe it more gently than last time. I'm still fascinated by how silky-smooth she is. Since I'm down here, I might as well grab her butt, I think. I take hold of her left buttock and squeeze a few times. She lets out a breathy chuckle in response. "I love you," she reiterates. I would have echoed back the same sentiment if I wasn't busy eating her belly button out. Now that we're more awake, I try out some slightly more intricate tricks with my tongue. She pushes me into her stomach firmly again. Suddenly, Yuri bursts through the door into the room, with knife in hand. "Yuusha?! What the hell are you doing?!" she shrieks at me. I jump ten feet in the air as Sayori scrambles. "I should be asking you! How the fuck did you get in here?!" I shout back. Yuri marches towards us. "Don't worry about it... nothing can get between us now, can it?" She smiles in a manner that makes my heart both flutter and pound with terror. "So I notice that you're quite attentive to Sayori's needs... but I can confidently state that I'm a much better fit for you than she is. I have proof!" she declares. "Bullshit!" Sayori protests. Yuri cackles. "Are you sure? What if I told you that two years ago, I got plastic surgery on my belly button to fit the dimensions of Yuusha's tongue?" Before I could declare that my undying love is for Sayori and Sayori only, Yuri rips her clothes off violently. She kneels down to pull her phone out of the pocket of her fallen pants, and taps her thumb with blinding speed on the screen. My heart, much like her clothes, falls to the floor as I realize what she's doing. A disgustingly pleasant sound fills the air; Yuri just put on her 120 song playlist of Punjab music. She dances saucily towards me and throws the knife over my head, landing just above Sayori in the wall. She lets out a yelp. "Oh! That's a baseball!" I shout. Yuri spins around a few times, then darts towards me. "Jaggers!" she howls. She pulls me in and commands me to do anything and everything to her. Unconsciously, I heed her words. I fidget with the lace on her panties, and playfully tug down on the rim. Then, I stroke her thighs up and down, and squeeze her butt. "Yes! Ravish me, you filthy demon!" she screams. Now, I genuinely want to test out her 'proof'. "Um... itadakimasu?" I joke. Recovering the situation, I start licking her belly button; it slides right in. Yuri goads me to give her the passion she deserves. I ferociously flicker my tongue like a snake, then rapidly punch the walls of her navel with my tongue as I attempt to puncture deeper inside. She lets out a perfervid moan—really a howl. "Fuck yes! I love you so much I wanna fucking kill myself!" Yuri shrieks. Her stomach growls, causing the walls of her navel to vibrate around my tongue. I'm rock hard right now, not gonna lie. Giving my tongue a bit of time to rest, I softly nibble and kiss the rim of her belly button; she lets out a series of pleasured moans. "Yuusha... I want—no, I need you all to myself!" she announces. Following her words, she forces me onto Sayori's bed and starts nibbling on my ears. Again, I'm genuinely turned on by this. "You're so adorable I could just eat. You. Up!" Without warning, she bites down on my shoulder, breaking the skin. Blood flows out and I shove her off. The sharp pain is enough to end my mesmerised state. "Yuri, what the fuck?! Why would you ever fucking—fuck!" I bellow. Yuri throws herself back on top of me and starts licking up the blood. "You love me and you know it. This is the best you've felt your whole fucking life. Admit it!" she states. "I—" I struggle against her words, as she isn't entirely wrong. "That's not the point! Sayori and I were spending time together, and you just charge in here, with a knife mind you, and tear me away from her? Get out." "But—" "Get out!" I repeat. "Leave!" Sayori echoes. I reach above Sayori to grab Yuri's knife and advance towards her. "You wouldn't," she challenges. "You're right," I answer, handing her the knife. "Yuusha..." Yuri starts to tear up. "Yuri, I'm touched that you want to be this intimate with me, but as you can see, I have a prior commitment. Please just go home. Here, I'll walk you to the door." "O-okay..." Yuri puts her clothes back on as best as she can, and we walk downstairs, subsequently reaching the door. She slips on her shoes, and starts to walk out. The door looks pretty damaged... "I'm sorry. That was very inappropriate of me," she admits. "It'll be okay," I assure her. "I, um," she falters, "I love you." "I love you too. I'll see you Monday," I reply earnestly. She giggles as she walks off, indicating a slight upturn in her mood. I turn around to meet Sayori, standing there with her hands on her hips. "What was that," she checks. "What was wh—" "You love her now, hm?" she interrupts. I open my mouth, but no words come out for a bit. "Well, um, I mean," I finally say, "I love you more. Tons more!" Sayori frowns at me, but she soon concedes. "I'm still mad," she grumbles I walk up and embrace her, and she eases up on her bitterness to return it. Holding hands, we walk back up to her room. "I kinda want to hang myself after that," she jokes. Startled, I spin around. "Don't even joke about that!" I shout. She laughs nervously in response. "Yeah, okay. Can we go to bed now?" she suggests. "Yeah, I'm beat too," I agree. We crawl into bed and snuggle up tight. "Maybe let's take a break from the paraphilia and just cuddle? I feel like something weird might happen if we go any further than that," she prompts. "Yeah. Good night; I love you," I follow. "You too." As we drift off to sleep in a loving embrace, World of Warcraft starts up on her laptop. I suppose it's a nice break from Punjab music.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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