Chapter 5
The cat showed up a week later and startled me in the bathroom where I was adding a purple streak to the right side of my bangs.She lept onto the sink and I yelped and almost dropped the dye applicator.
"You can't do that!" I scolded her once I caught my breath and righted the dye bottle.
" Surprise". She purred unconcernedly.
" You do know that Uda has moved into number 22". I said.
" That's why I'm back." She said with a sigh and gazed at me sternly. "You and I have much to do.
Your gifts have only manifested sporadically so far because of your lack of training".
"Talking about training? I didn't even know I *had* gifts until just recently. And I still can't figure out why or how or where they came from."
I said voicing my confusion and vexation with the hopes that the cat had the answers
which as it turned out she didn't though that still didn't stop her from training me.
"And another thing.
Why are *you* here?
I mean...who or what sent you?" I added curiously."Fair questions. " She said and lept down off the sink to settle on the fluffy blue bath mat next to the tub.
" I'm the spirit of your grandmother who herself was a witch though not as powerful as Uda.
Which is why she was defeated."Wait a minute? Huh?
" Yes it's true". The cat drawled as if hearing my thoughts which she probably could.
"You're my Grandmother Estine?"
Now this was simply too much and that's saying a lot considering all that I've experienced up until now."No.I'm her *spirit*. There is a difference. Don't ask me to explain further."
She (Estine?) hastened to add.
" Time is of the essence and we need to start your training immediately.""Well you sure picked a bad time seeing that I'm right in the middle of coloring my hair".
I exclaimed.Estine sighed again,
"I'll be waiting in your bedroom".
She said and slinked out of the bathroom.So when she left I called Lucas and instantly filled him in on everything she'd said without a tinge of guilt for betraying her.
"I'm on my way". He said.
Estine was curled up on the pillow of my bed (I'm definitely washing it later).
"About your manifestation.
it seems connected to your choice of nail polish colors." She said.
"Can you tell why that is?" I eagerly asked hoping for answers.
"I don't know.
I only mention it to illustrate something.Every witch has a conduit for their powers.
From wands to lockets,e.t.c.Yours seem to be nail polish which is frankly weird.
However it's what we have to work with so..."Estine slipped off my bed and padded to me lifting her triangular head to meet my eyes.
"What I'm going to do is teach you a few defensive spells...." She began.
That was when Mom yelled upstairs.
"Coco! You have a visitor."
Lucas! Heart lifting with joy I dashed downstairs leaving Estine staring after me affronted.
He was standing in the living room gazing at the ceiling with his head cocked at a listening angle.
"Hi". I said with a big smile cracking my cheeks. Lucas glanced at me thoughtfully.
"Call her downstairs". He kept his voice low because mom was somewhere near by.
When I opened my mouth to call Estine Lucas shook his head then meaningfully tapped his temple.
"I'll be waiting outside". He mouthed and left.
(Estine come downstairs)
I thought and a moment later she came mincing downstairs looking put upon. Wordlessly I walked out of the house with her trailing me.
Lucas was standing on my front lawn with his back to us he stared at number 22.
The U-HAUL was long gone and earlier a lawn service had been busy tackling the over grown lawn which now looked perfect.
The entire front of #22 was visible from my side of the street now.
The hole in the front where I had blasted Uda had also been repaired with fresh unpainted boards.Her Lincoln Continental was not parked in the driveway.
"Lucas?" I said loudly.
He turned to face me and cut his eyes at the cat.
They shared a long intense look then Lucas said :" I don't trust you one bit.
However if you insist on training Coco it'll have to be on my turf"."Fine. Name the place". Estine purred.
"I own an estate in Wilbur.You can train her there on one condition".
Rolling my eyes I couldn't believe how bossy he was sounding although in the back of my mind I was thrilled by his take charge attitude.
Did he just say that he owned an estate in Wilbur which is a gated community about four miles from Willow Street.
It was where the seriously rich folk lived.
"What condition". Estine asked suspiciously.
"That I be allowed to watch and intervene if she's in danger".The cat heaved a big,put upon sigh. "Very well."
Chapter 6 Training
Coco Stevens and the Willow Street witch.
Genç KurguCoco Stevens is an ordinary girl with mysterious powers and a penchant for attracting trouble.