chapter three, Lady owl.

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'I continued to run, the fear still obvious in my eyes. I hear the heavy footsteps still pounding on the floor under me. I scream, feeling a tight force around my hips, the giant had grabbed me. I screamed once again, trying to escape his grip.'

'Suddenly out of no where a black figure appears, they launched themselves into the air and kicked the giant, freeing me from its grasp. "W-who are you?" I say squemishly.'

"Ah!" Mariee woke, "ah, just a nightmare.." she said gently. She grabbed her phone and checked the time, she had woken up a few minutes before her alarm. She shugged, getting up. She yawned and grabbed a pair of black leggings, a blue flannel, and a grey tank top.

She smiled happily and finished her morning routine, doing her hair, eating, and making her lunch. She stuffed her lunch in her bag and began to walk to school.

Just before making it to school, she saw an elderly man on the side of the street, about to trip over a piece of broken concrete. "Sir!" She said loudly, rushing over. She ran across the empty street right as the man began to fall, she stuck her arms out, making sure the man didnt fall. "Thank you miss," the elderly man smiled. "Uhm, no problem!" She said, before running off to school.

The school day ended, and she had been hanging out with Adrien and nino all day. She waved goodbye to Adrien and nino before making her way back home.

Mariee groaned. She put her bags on the floor and sat at her desk. She turned on her computer and began to watch the news. She looked down and saw a little black box. It had beautiful red details on it. "Huh?" She said gently. She picked it up, opening it. The second the lid wasnt touching the box, a little shiny orb appeared. And from that orb, a tiny figure, almost doll looking appeared. "Wha?"

It was l1ight brown color, with a design that almost looks like feathers. Behind its tiny little arms were a pair of wings, and on its face, a pair of big brown eyes.

"Hello, Mariee." The little doll said. "I am pixie, your kwami." Mariee scooted back in her swivel chair. "H-how don you know my name?" She said. Standing up. Off of mariees computer the news turned on, the lady began to talk about a woman, with big dragon wings, she was destroying everything in sight.

"Mariee, Listen to me, you must be willing to help. You have been chosen to be a superhero. You have the owl miraculous." Pixie said. "Wha?" Mariee walked back to her desk. She picked up what looked to be a choker. In the center was a bead, a light brown bead to be exact.

She put it on cautiously. "Mariee, all you have to say is wings on, then your transformation will begin. When you are transformed, if you need your special power, all you say is owl eyes, this will allow you to see what next move your opponent is going to make." Pixie explained.

"Okay, I think I got it." Mariee nodded. "Go ahead, go save paris." Pixie smiled. Mariee nodded once more. "Pixie! Wings on!" She said loudly. The next things she knows she has a mask on, a long Cape trailing behind her.

On her back was what seemed to be a bow, and some arrows. She touched the tip, "these aren't sharp?" She picked up a piece of fabric and the arrow went straight through "oooh.."

Her attention was caught by her computer, where the lady was still describing the dragon villian. "Right." She nodded and ran out on her balcony. "Since I'm an owl, maybe I can..." she jumped up, being pushed into the air, she levitated for a minute before flying off twords the villian.


Word count: 652

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