chapter five, akuma attack

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A few days went by, mariee had been fighting with ladybug and cat nior. After a little while, mariee and cat nior began to jokingly flirt, and ladybug hadn't taken lightly to it.

Mariee was watching tv and saw an akuma attack, she jumped up and quickly transformed, she quickly flew to the location. She landed next to cat nior, "hey kitty~" mariee said jokingly. Well, atleast she thought they were joking around, but cat didnt. "Hey sugarbird~" he grinned over at her. Ladybug stood in front of the two with her arms cross, "can we get to the akumatized victum?" Ladybug said, clearly unhappy about what was happening.

"Yes, your majesty." Mariee stood up and bowed to ladybug. A look of shock was pushed on ladybugs face. Mariee crouched back down next to cat and giggled. "The akumatized victim must be holding its akuma in their sword." Ladybug explained.

"But I dont know how to get to it, the victim is surrounded by brainwashed slaves." Ladybug continued to explain. "Well, why dont I drop the three of us in the middle where the villian is." Mariee suggested. "And ladybug, you could use your yo-yo to round up all the brainwashed citizens so cat nior and I can get the sword so we can get rid of the akuma."

"Sounds good, got it cat nior?" Ladybug questioned. "Yep!" Cat smiled. "Great, c'mon." Mariee grabbed the two, she jumped off the roof and flew into the middle of the slaves, ladybug and cat nior landed in front, while mariee went behind him.

Ladybug looked at mariee and nodded she jumped to the outside of the circle and began to circle the brainwashed slaves, she went up the middle of a row and pulled on her yo-yo, all the slaves moved into a tight circle.

Mariee and cat nior kept fighting the villian, Mariee grabbed the sword and pulled as hard as she could. "Lady owl! Wait!" Cat nior said loudly, the villian pulled his sword back, as the sword went past her face it made a large cut on her cheek. Mariee let go of the sword, she placed her hand up on her cheeck, feeling the blood.

"Are you okay?" Cat said, running over. "I'm fine, cat." Mariee said gently. "Owl eyes!" She yelled. She saw a blue figure stepping to the brainwashed group, and cutting them free. "Not on my watch.." mariee mumbled.

"Cat I need your help, I need you to hold the villian down so ladybug and I can deakumatize him." Mariee explained, cat nodded and ran behind the villain, holding him down. "Ladybug! Get the akuma!" Mariee yelled, breaking the sword.

They caught the akuma and mariees choker began to beep. "I gotta fly!" Mariee said, flying away before she transformed back.

The next day at school mariee was hanging out with Adrien and nino, and again chloe comes and pulls him away, sending mariee another nasty look. As soon as chloe looks away mariee crosses her eyes and sticks her tongue out.

Word count: 509

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