Chapter 15

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The snakes landing and my turning were simultaneous. I didn't tremble, I didn't scream, I didn't cry out. There was no time to do such a thing. It coiled around my shoulder and its hood was spread inches away from my face. Death was staring at me!!!!

I froze. Any movement and it will strike me. Great time to not have a dagger.

I was petrified. I sat there like a stone image. I was stone, but my mind was very active. My mind was opening into darkness. I could take my gun.... no, it will bite me.

The snake was just staring back at me with its yellow eyes. It just coiled itself and kept hissing.

If you're going to kill me. Do it already!!!!

Suddenly, It felt as though a rod of molten lava was crushing my arm. Slowly but powerfully. My arm was being drained of all its strength. What could I do?

"Can you guys zip it and go to sleep?" Rachel sat next to the entrance of the house with a new crossbow she stole from a corpse of a girl she killed. She placed an arrow and was seeing how it works.

"He is annoying me."

"You guys are in two seperate beds!!!!" She exclaimed "Besides, I'll wake Thomas first in 2 hours and I'll sleep, then you wake Josh and go back to bed. Then Josh will wake us both in another 2 hours and we continue the game. That way we all get equal hours of sleep."

"Deal" we both said in unison.

"Don't let anyone kill us!!!"

"You have my word" Rachel laughed and went back to position.

After everything that happened, my eyes closed the minute my head touched the bed.

"Hey" I heard Thomas whisper "Wakey, Wakey. Wake up!!!" He hissed. I slowly got up and looked at him "You're turn" he said as he climbed the bed and lied down.

I took the long range rifle, loaded it and went to my post.

2 hours, and we move on.

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