Chapter 8

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Cash's POV

I had to stop this bleeding. I stripped my shirt and wrapped one of my legs and had no more clothing for the other. But at least the pain was a little less. Now I'm wearing just a black denim pants and black sports bra. I find this attire quite comfortable. Especially for the weather out here.

I tried getting up, and had a little success which lasted about 10 seconds before hitting the ground again.

I gritted my teeth as I was getting really annoyed.

I have survived so much shit. Why the heck is this so hard?

I am not gonna give up. I'm not gonna die like this. I came this far. With all these thoughts, I tried getting up. Fail.

My life is a huge failure.

I saw a tree. I crawled towards it, used the trunk to stand up. I then broke a long branch, then another short one. I broke more branches till I got the amount I need. I then took some rope from my bag. I started tying the branches together until I made a decent cast for my foot and the longer branches made a cast for my leg.

I put it on. Heck, its stiff and coarse. I tried getting up this time. Yes!!!! I did it. I finally walked, but I couldn't bend my knee or do anything which involves flexibility.

I started limping and I as came across something. It was a metal stand with a metal wire leading from here to another hill across the river.

A zip line.

Oh Satan!!! I've never been on these stuff. I went towards it. There was two rings connected to a metal rod which connected to the wire.

These is gonna be so fun. said one voice in my head

Yep, its gonna be so much fun to watch her die. Do you want me to start writing your obituary? Said another

Shut up!!! I silenced them.

I held one loop with one hand and the other one on the other loop.

It didn't move. Oh cmon.

"Giddy up!!!" I screamed at the zipline.

"AARGH" I was getting extremely pissed off. Then I noticed something red on one of the loops. A button.

Move it said

I pressed the button, and in a second, I went soaring into the skies. Woah, I'm flying, it felt so good with the rushing wind on my face and half of my exposed skin.


I was nearing the end now. Just as it stopped with a jerk, I let go and my left leg couldn't balance and I went falling to the ground. I had to stick my left leg out and straight as it was in the cast.

I hissed my teeth in pain. My movement in the leg was restricted. But if I remove it I can't walk. I am getting annoyed.

I opened my hologram, to find that there were just 12 people left in the game. I hope my mates are alive, or not, either way I'm gonna be there rill the end.

I hope.

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