Chapter 20

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Thomas stood there frozen as the metal spike protruded from his chest. His torso was red. Josh went running in full speed as his twin collapsed on the floor.

Josh skidded to a stop and kneeled beside him. Rachel and I were too busy distracting and trying to kill this bitch again.

Rachel kept shooting arrows at it. It wouldn't stay back.

"I have an idea!!!" I heard her scream at me.

"I don't care!!!! Do what you want!!! Just take this shit down!!!" I yelled back.

She just looked at me and took her parang out. She charged towards the beast, holding her parang tightly. All I could do was keep shooting. She slid under the beast and stabbed the thing. She didn't stop there, she dragged the parang all the way down literally just cut open the thing. She was red with blood covering every inch of her. The beast looked stunned and collapsed. Rachel stood next to it for some time with her parang in an attack stance. But it didn't move.

We went running to Josh and Thomas. Thomas was coughing up blood and Josh was trying his level best to stay calm and solve this.

"Does anyone have a bandage?" He went around randomly searching our bags and his. He went back to Thomas.

"There's gotta be something, gauze, some medicine or even a sim......" He was muttering to himself.

"Hey." Thomas said softly "Relax, I want you to be with me. Till I...." He wouldn't finish.

"No!!!! You are not dying!!! We nearly made it to the end Thomas, we are not giving up on you!!!" Rachel said. I didn't know what to do.

"What do you want me to do." He was coughing even more.

"Stay!!! Stay with us!!!" I said. I have no clue if that's encouraging or not.

"I don't think I can. Josh?" He turned his head.

"Ya?" He was nearly in tears.

"Remember when you said that...... We shouldn't ditch you if you die?"


"Please don't ditch me bro."

"I.. I wont." He stammered.

"Just remember that I love you."

"I know. I lo......."

His body went limp.

"No!!! No!! No!!! Stay with me!!! Stay Thomas!!!! Thomas!!! Thomas!!!" He was slapping and hitting him brutally until Rachel and I pulled him away, he was thrashing his legs the whole time "You can't leave me like this!!! Thomas!!! No!!!! Wake up!!!!" He fell down and cried bitterly.

"Thomas. Please don't go." I heard him say "I-I love you too."

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